Task #65045
closedPages Language Overlay -> Media Link / Alternative missing
I've just noticed that it is not possible to set the alternative and link field for page-media in the translation mode (pages_language_overlay).
The fields title and description are available directly from the File Abstraction Layer field for page media.
It seems like the pages language overlay is using the "basicoverlayPalette" from sysext/core/Configuration/TCA/sys_file_reference.php near line 257
'basicoverlayPalette' => array( 'showitem' => 'title,description', 'canNotCollapse' => TRUE ),
I think it should use the imageoverlayPalette near line 262 of the file. When changing the basicoverlayPalette to the same showitem fields, alternative and link field will also show up on language overlay, but of course it would not fix the issue, that the overlay is chosing the wrong palette.
'basicoverlayPalette' => array( 'showitem' => ' title,alternative;;;;3-3-3,--linebreak--, link,description ', 'canNotCollapse' => TRUE ),
Updated by Willi Martens over 9 years ago
alternative and link field for page-media in the translation shold be translatable by default without editing the tca.
Updated by Andrea Herzog-Kienast over 9 years ago
Same in 7.1 and - if I set a link (default language), the link will not work. Not to a page or a url. Also Metadata will not be shown. But perhaps I forgot something in TS.
Same to you?
Updated by Willi Martens over 9 years ago
It´s just the missing of the fields. After activating by TCA all works fine in 6.2.
Updated by Andrea Herzog-Kienast over 9 years ago
Tested your patch with TPYO3 7.1-dev today. All fields will be shown, but it is not possible to change the link in the translated file. the link allways uses the link from the default language. But the language parameter is set to the correct language.
Have you tested this?
Updated by Willi Martens over 9 years ago
Yes, works fine in 6.2. Here my typoscript for rendering the translated record:
20 = FILES 20 { references { table = pages uid = 1 fieldName = media } renderObj = IMAGE renderObj { stdWrap.dataWrap = <div class="ad visible-lg" style="{file:current:description}">|</div> file { import.data = file:current:originalUid // file:current:uid } altText.data = file:current:alternative titleText.data = file:current:title stdWrap.typolink.parameter.data = file:current:link } }
Updated by Willi Martens over 9 years ago
My modification of TCA (extTables.php):
$GLOBALS['TCA']['sys_file_reference']['palettes']['basicoverlayPalette']['showitem'] = 'title,alternative;;;;3-3-3,--linebreak--,link,description';
Updated by Andrea Herzog-Kienast over 9 years ago
Strange behaviour - tested it with TS. Cleared caches like hell, deleted TS - and everything works fine. Can you please take a look here. File is: "Test metadata in translation" default / "Bild mit übersetzten Metadaten" de
for german: http://typo37.herzogkienast.de/index.php?id=3&L=1
for default: http://typo37.herzogkienast.de/index.php?id=3&no_cache=1&L=0
But your patch is still in use. Only TS is deleted.
Updated by Philipp Gampe over 9 years ago
You need to save at least once: #57488
Updated by Philipp Gampe over 9 years ago
OK, bug is in the TCA I think. The original TCA for the pages table has a comment // Use the imageoverlayPalette instead of the basicoverlayPalette
just over some extra configuration for the media field.
AFAICS those are missing for the translation table.
Updated by Philipp Gampe over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
So is this bug about adding the according TCA setting or about translations not working?
Translations work for me. Adding the fields to TCA sounds like a useful feature to me.
Updated by Willi Martens over 9 years ago
Yes, you are right. It's a "useful feature". I don't know how to change the categorization.
Updated by Torben Hansen over 9 years ago
The solution with adding the missing field in extTables.php works fine. But is'nt this a bug? I can't see any reason, why the fields "link" and "alternative" are missing in pages language overlay? IMO those fields should be added, as it leads to confusion, when editors are not able to "translate" those fields.
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 9 years ago
does this issue still exists with latest TYPO3 (6.2.15)?
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 8 years ago
On 6.2.16, I followed these steps:
1) create a page,add an image on "relations" tab, fill the "override" fields: title, alternative text, link, description.
2) translate the page
3) add the same image on the "relations" tab.
Result: only the fields "title" and "description" are available. This is independent from translating or not the media element in list module.
The same happens on 7.6.1 (latest master)
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Updated by Benni Mack almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
We could finally fix this with v9 / master, can you please recheck?
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
I close this one, it is solved for both 8.7.9 and 9.2.0-dev (latest master); I performed the following test on both:
1) TYPO3 with at least one alternative language (in my case: default: ITALIAN, alternative language: ENGLISH)
Test procedure:¶
1) create a page > translate it
2) create "Image only" CE, add an image
3) override "title", "description", "alternative text" and set a link
4) Translate it "Translate mode"
All the fields are available and can be edited; I also repeated the same test in "Copy mode" with the same result.
If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience the issue again or think that a different test should be performed, please reopen it or open a new issue with a reference to this one. Thank you.