Story #75799
closedas an editor, I want to quickly add content to a new page, with creating a page pre-filled with content elements
After a brief exchange of ideas with Andreas Fießer, I'm writing here this very draft proposal about this topic: how to quicken the creation of a page and content.
Take a look at the attached screenshot of a page with 3 areas (colPos). if an editor wants to build a new page with this content he/she should
with the current workflow:
1) create the new page
2) create a content element (image) on the area with colPos=1 (let's assume it has that colPos, ok? same for the others ;) )
3) create a content element (text) on the area with colPos=0
4) create a content element (text) on the area with colPos=0
5) create a content element (text) on the area with colPos=0
6) create a content element (file list) on the area with colPos=2
7) create a content element (plugin, news) on the area with colPos=2
my proposal/idea/draft idea¶
what if it would be possible to save this "ensemble" (page and content elements), that I call a "Collection", so that it could be possible to create in a single step a new page with all the aforementioned content elements at once?
To speak plainly, it is like telling TYPO3 a command like :"create a new page; create a content element, type image in colpos=1; create a content element, type text in colpos=0, create a content element, type text in colpos=0, create a content element, type text in colpos=0, create a content element, type filelist in colpos=2, create a content element, type plugin, news in colpos=2"
The previous 7 steps would be reduced to 1:
1) create a new page from the collection "x"
It is not much different from a copy, but it should be more clear, I think (all the elements are created empty, unless we want to think about some option to prefill them)
I hope I've been clear enough.
Andreas suggested me to add somewhere a button like "save this page as collection" or "create a collection from this page", so that the editor/administrator can first assemble a "real page" and then use it to create the other pages.
Updated by Rachel Foucard almost 7 years ago
Hello Riccardo,
Reading this story and all the related stories here are my thoughts :
The user story "as an editor, I want to quickly add content to a new page, with creating a page pre-filled with content elements" is more a technical solution than a real need. The editors problem today is that they have only one way to compose their pages, and it's interuptive and quite long :
Click on the position, choose the content type tab, choose the content, fill the content (that is really interuptive), save and close the content, and now I see again my page compostion.
The real need I think is to first compose the page (contents, positions, columns, etc.) and after edit the texts and illustrations. The Andreas Fießer propositions in the related stories with D&D seem to better answer that need.
a prefilled page answer another need : compose a page with exactly the same structure than another one, for a repeting edition mode, so I would split that user story in two :
- as an editor, I want to compose my page contents structure before editing the contents, in order to focus on the zoning when I am editing a new page
- as an editor, I want to simply clone a page contents structure, in order to work faster when I have to create a lot of pages with the same composition
What do you think ?
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 7 years ago
Hi Rachel;
It is fine for me; if there are more recent stories that answer the same needs and are more detailed, feel free to add them as related and close this one (or ping me and I'll do it)
Updated by Rachel Foucard almost 7 years ago
Ok Riccardo, thank you for your quick answer,
I will add the 2 stories, I will put this one as related, and I will close it.
Updated by Rachel Foucard almost 7 years ago
- Related to Story #84508: as an editor, I want to compose my page contents structure before editing the contents, in order to focus on the zoning when I am editing a new page added
Updated by Rachel Foucard almost 7 years ago
- Related to Story #84509: as an editor, I want to simply "clone" a page contents structure, in order to work faster when I have to create a lot of pages with the same composition added
Updated by Rachel Foucard almost 7 years ago
Hello Riccardo,
I have created the 2 new stories and linked them to this one, but I think I can't close your story, could you do it?
thank you in advance,
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed