Story #75799
closedas an editor, I want to quickly add content to a new page, with creating a page pre-filled with content elements
After a brief exchange of ideas with Andreas Fießer, I'm writing here this very draft proposal about this topic: how to quicken the creation of a page and content.
Take a look at the attached screenshot of a page with 3 areas (colPos). if an editor wants to build a new page with this content he/she should
with the current workflow:
1) create the new page
2) create a content element (image) on the area with colPos=1 (let's assume it has that colPos, ok? same for the others ;) )
3) create a content element (text) on the area with colPos=0
4) create a content element (text) on the area with colPos=0
5) create a content element (text) on the area with colPos=0
6) create a content element (file list) on the area with colPos=2
7) create a content element (plugin, news) on the area with colPos=2
my proposal/idea/draft idea¶
what if it would be possible to save this "ensemble" (page and content elements), that I call a "Collection", so that it could be possible to create in a single step a new page with all the aforementioned content elements at once?
To speak plainly, it is like telling TYPO3 a command like :"create a new page; create a content element, type image in colpos=1; create a content element, type text in colpos=0, create a content element, type text in colpos=0, create a content element, type text in colpos=0, create a content element, type filelist in colpos=2, create a content element, type plugin, news in colpos=2"
The previous 7 steps would be reduced to 1:
1) create a new page from the collection "x"
It is not much different from a copy, but it should be more clear, I think (all the elements are created empty, unless we want to think about some option to prefill them)
I hope I've been clear enough.
Andreas suggested me to add somewhere a button like "save this page as collection" or "create a collection from this page", so that the editor/administrator can first assemble a "real page" and then use it to create the other pages.