Feature #81840
openMake ObjectStorage implement Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection Interface
Should have
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The `doctrine/collections` package is already a implicit dependency (through `doctrine/common` -> `doctrine/dbal`) and contains the `ArrayCollection` class, which is the most basic type of collection which sits on an array.
This would enhance the ObjectStorage with some useful new capabilities, most notably:
* Tests for the existence of an element that satisfies the given predicate.
* @param Closure $p The predicate.
* @return boolean TRUE if the predicate is TRUE for at least one element, FALSE otherwise.
public function exists(Closure $p);
* Returns all the elements of this collection that satisfy the predicate p.
* The order of the elements is preserved.
* @param Closure $p The predicate used for filtering.
* @return Collection A collection with the results of the filter operation.
public function filter(Closure $p);
* Tests whether the given predicate p holds for all elements of this collection.
* @param Closure $p The predicate.
* @return boolean TRUE, if the predicate yields TRUE for all elements, FALSE otherwise.
public function forAll(Closure $p);
* Applies the given function to each element in the collection and returns
* a new collection with the elements returned by the function.
* @param Closure $func
* @return Collection
public function map(Closure $func);
* Partitions this collection in two collections according to a predicate.
* Keys are preserved in the resulting collections.
* @param Closure $p The predicate on which to partition.
* @return array An array with two elements. The first element contains the collection
* of elements where the predicate returned TRUE, the second element
* contains the collection of elements where the predicate returned FALSE.
public function partition(Closure $p);
* Extracts a slice of $length elements starting at position $offset from the Collection.
* If $length is null it returns all elements from $offset to the end of the Collection.
* Keys have to be preserved by this method. Calling this method will only return the
* selected slice and NOT change the elements contained in the collection slice is called on.
* @param int $offset The offset to start from.
* @param int|null $length The maximum number of elements to return, or null for no limit.
* @return array
public function slice($offset, $length = null);
Implementing those methods would cut off a bunch of post-processing we do on ObjectStorages.
The Interface itself can be found here:
I have a draft implementation lined up and will push it to gerrit soon.