Bug #84692
closedLinkhandler configuration in condition results in no links in frontend
- Multi tree instance with different TSconfigs per tree, also for the linkhandler
- link to the record is generated
- no (!) link is generated
DatabaseRecordLinkBuilder::build misses $pageTsConfig['TCEMAIN.']['linkHandler.']['identifier']
The former linkhandler extensions uses as link identifier the format "identifier:table_name:uid".
So the TSconfig was not needed in frontend to know the table name.
This was changed in the core implementation to "t3://record?identifier=identifier&uid=uid".
Thus the page TSconfig needs to be fetched and parsed in frontend.
This done by using TypoScriptFrontendController::getPagesTSconfig() which sadly uses TypoScriptParser::parse without proving an ConditionMatcher.
So the additional TSconfig inside a PIDinRootline condition is totally missing.
Solution A:
double the table configuration from TCEMAIN.linkHandler.fooBar.configuration.table to config.recordLinks.fooBar.table
=> additional pro: no TSconfig parsing in FE
Solution B:
call getPagesTSconfig with new optional argument $matchConditions = true, which results in calling parse providing a ConditionMatcher instance.