Bug #25674
closedCalculation of next execution time wrong for configured start time in future
When creating a recurring task, setting a start date and frequency (seconds or cron command) is mandatory.
If you provide a cron command as frequency and start time is set in future, the calculation of "next execution" is wrong - meaning "next execution" is always the start date not considering the cron command frequency.
If the start date is set to a time in the past or now (=leaving field value untouched), the "next execution" is correctly calculated based on the cron command.
Use cron command "0 3 1 1,4,7,10 *" (execution on first day of January, April, July, October) and set the start date to a date in future (e.g. tomorrow).
Then "next execution" is tomorrow (and actually task run) not considering cron command.
(issue imported from #M16329)