Bug #31209
CONTENT still can't select records from rootpage
Added by Joh. Feustel over 13 years ago.
Updated about 13 years ago.
The Problem described in #20412 still exists.
"If you use the "CONTENT" TypoScript object, to retrieve records from the root-page - like "static_countries", etc. This is currently not possible."
The following code will return nothing since checkPidArray() checks for existing pages and removes 0 from pidInList
10 {
table = static_countries
select {
pidInList = 0
selectFields = uid, cn_iso_3, cn_official_name_en
renderObj= TEXT
renderObj {
wrap = <li>|</li>
field = cn_official_name_en
Obviously there as been a Fix for this Problem which has been reverted in SVN Trunk (rev. 6146) see
It seems to be resolved in current trunk. Hopefully it will be released in 4.6.1
Hi Myroslav,
could you point me to the corresponding issue or patch in gerrt? i would like to review and test this but cannot find anything while it still is not working for me with latest checkout.
- Target version set to 4.6.2
Unfortunately this has not been fixed with the release of 4.6.1.
In my opinion this should be a "must have". There are definitely a lot of Extensions that rely on this Feature. Also this is the common way for building language or country selects in Formhandler or Form. This ist not possible at the moment and should be fixed as soon as possible.
I will try to submit a patchset for this soon.
Well, i'll better stay on 4.5.latest till this issue will be fixed... Just curious - shouldn't be such core-functionality covered with unit tests to avoid such errors?
- Target version changed from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3
It's still not fixed in 4.6.2.
The linked fix wouldn't give attention to other tables than pages anyway. In my case I need to set pidInList = 0 and table = static_countries
- Status changed from New to Under Review
Hi Ernesto,
as you can see in Gerrit, I've already abandoned my changeset.
Feel free to close this issue or mark it as resolved.
I've added #32374 as related, since the titles of the issues do not really sound like "duplicates".
- Category set to TypoScript
- Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
- Target version changed from 4.6.3 to 4.6.4
Resolved with the same fix already merged in #32374.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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