Bug #43102
closedPerformance flaw when publishing content/pages in huge pagetrees
we have(had) the problem, that when publishing content elements/pages in 4.5.x (also in 4.6 and 4.7) we ran into some database timeouts/problems,
because the page tree is reloaded synchronically during the page publishing. With a pagetree of about 35.000 pages and 6 tree-levels this seems to
lock the pages/tt_content tables so some publish record actions got lost along the way as the DB engine MyISAM is not transaction-safe.
I patched the EXT:workspaces/Resources/Public/JavaScript/actions.js , thus moving the "top.TYPO3.Backend.NavigationContainer.PageTree.refreshTree();" statement from line 134 to 200 inside the handleResponse function.
This makes the page tree reload AFTER the publishing database operations have been done.
Would suggest this for every action in actions.js as it prevents any data loss, especially when using TemplaVoila.