Bug #43624
closedGifbuilder cannot generate images
Gifbuilder does not render images correctly. This problem happens no matter if Gifbuilder is used from extensions or from TypoScript (for an example with pure TypoScript see note #2).
The problem happens, if the input image has another file type, than the type, which TYPO3 uses internally.
The result are broken output images.
Source im My Extension to create small Image
$imgConfig = array();
$imgConfig['file'] = 'GIFBUILDER';
$imgConfig['file.']['XY'] =$w.','.$h;
$imgConfig['file.']['backColor'] ='#ff0000';
$imgConfig['file.']['transparentColor'] ='#000000';
$imgConfig['file.']['10'] ='IMAGE';
$imgConfig['file.']['10.']['file']= 'fileadmin/somefile.jpg'
$bildstring = $this->cObj->IMAGE;
I get a red(!) Picture.
The image somefile.jpg is rendered in one step into the folder typo3temp/_processed_/csm_somefile_hash.jpg
This file is internal a gif or png (as it is set in the config of typo3)
Later in core/Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunction.php the imageCreateFromFile function tries to work with the file and uses the fileextension
In my case Extension = jpg and mimetype = png
The function called imagecreatefromjpeg and gets an empty result