Bug #44381
closedindexed_search FE Plugin doesn't show external urls in TYPO3 4.7.7
The FE plugin of indexed_search doesn't show any external urls which start with http:// or https:// (or any other protocol).
These URLs have been added to the index correctly (via crawler).
The reason for that is in class.tx_indexedsearch.php in line 1247 ff. in function checkExistance($row).
The check is done for any paths with is_file() in line 1250. is_file() returns always 0 if used with urls like "http://google.de/".
To solve this problem you can use this alternative checkExistance() implementation:
function checkExistance($row) {
$recordExists = TRUE; // Always expect that page content exists
if ($row['item_type']) { // External media:
$ch = curl_init($row['data_filename']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
$recordExists = (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)==200);
else {
if (!is_file($row['data_filename']) || !file_exists($row['data_filename'])) {
$recordExists = FALSE;
return $recordExists;
But this implementation is very slow because each external url of the search results will be checked with one http request.
I created an extension sms_indexedsearch_fixexternals to fix this bug. In this extension you can enable or disable the checking of http(s) URLs in the extension configuration.