Bug #48464
closedImages in workspaces don't work
In the backend I can't see the images of 'Text with image' elements if I use workspaces (another than live). They only show up in all workspaces once the element is published.
Steps to reproduce:
Fresh TYPO3 6.0.5 installation.
1. Login into backend
2. Install system extension 'workspaces'
3. create a filemount
4. create a workspace
5. reload backend
6. switch into new workspace
7. select page->any_page_you_want
8. add content element to page
9. select 'text with image'
10. add an image from filemount
11. save and close
12. voila, no image
Updated by nurbs999 no-lastname-given over 11 years ago
added screenshot
Updated by nurbs999 no-lastname-given over 11 years ago
- Project changed from TYPO3 Core to 624
- Category deleted (
Backend User Interface) - Assignee set to Oliver Hader
Updated by Frank Gerards over 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 6.0.5 to 2338
I dont know if FAL supports workspaces and versioning to 100% right now.
Ofc versioning and workspaces is a killer feature besides multi-domain for bigger enterprise projects and
for projects requiring an author workflow, plz fix it soon or communicate a roadmap for it
Updated by Oliver Hader over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Does the image not show up in the backend (Web>Page column view) or in the frontend-preview?
Updated by Markus Günther over 11 years ago
- File Bildschirmfoto_2013-07-17_um_13.41.42.png Bildschirmfoto_2013-07-17_um_13.41.42.png added
- File Screenshot_17.07.13_13_42.png Screenshot_17.07.13_13_42.png added
I test it with a TYPO3 CMS 6.1 and the problem is still there.
Steps to reproduce:
- log into the backend
- switch to workspace
- create a content element with an image
- save the ce and then in the backend the preview image is missing
- in the frontend preview the image is also missing and the last build query fails:
INSERT INTO cache_imagesizes (md5hash,md5filename,tstamp,filename,imagewidth,imageheight) VALUES ('e7a3b8f2f266958cba1567253f25e6ee','a714d19ea77b0c14af6712eeb57dd6cf','1374054200','typo3temp/pics/d92587b97b.png','287','166')
Updated by Markus Günther over 11 years ago
The Error in the frontend is a result of a missing check in the FrontendContentAdapterService.php. In the method modifyDBRow the file repository gets only the record uid of the original or of the language overlay. The method don't have a look for the workspace record uid.
So all files of any workspaces records can not be found.
$files = $fileRepository->findByRelation($table, $migrateFieldName, isset($row['_LOCALIZED_UID']) ? intval($row['_LOCALIZED_UID']) : intval($row['uid']));
If you also check for isset($row['_ORIG_uid'], then you will get the images also from the workspace.
I am not the expert in WS so i am not sure if it is enough to do something like this:
if (isset($row['_ORIG_uid'])) {
$relatedRecordUid = intval($row['_ORIG_uid']);
} elseif (isset($row['_LOCALIZED_UID'])) {
$relatedRecordUid = intval($row['_LOCALIZED_UID']);
} else {
$relatedRecordUid = $row['uid'];
$files = $fileRepository->findByRelation($table, $migrateFieldName, $relatedRecordUid);
Updated by Lars Malach over 11 years ago
Whats the current state of this issue? Is somebody working on a solution?
I would love to help, but Markus Günther told me, that there are some conceptional meetings currently..
Updated by Marcos Fadul over 11 years ago
Check the patch for bug 43916. That one worked for me on Typo3 6.1.5.
Updated by Michael Stucki about 11 years ago
- Project changed from 624 to TYPO3 Core
- Category changed from Workspaces to Workspaces
Updated by Alexander Opitz about 11 years ago
- Category changed from Workspaces to File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
- Is Regression set to No
can you try the patch from #43916 please? And report back if this helps you.
Updated by Konrad Schiertz about 11 years ago
TYPO3 Version 6.1.7
With the patch from 43916 and the changes from Markus Günther images are shown in the frontend preview workspace.
In the Backend not. The Backend view is still like screenshot: Bildschirmfoto_2013-07-17_um_13.41.42.png
Updated by Alexander Opitz about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Updated by Christiaan Wiesenekker over 10 years ago
Does anybody has a fix for this? Or should we use the patch from 43916?
Updated by Ingo Schmitt about 10 years ago
- Category changed from File Abstraction Layer (FAL) to Workspaces
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 9 years ago
- File cattura1.png cattura1.png added
- File cattura2.png cattura2.png added
- File cattura3.png cattura3.png added
- File cattura4.png cattura4.png added
- File cattura5.png cattura5.png added
- File cattura6.png cattura6.png added
- Status changed from New to Closed
I close this because I cannot reproduce it in both 6.2.15 and 7.5-dev (latest master)
I built a custom workspace and entered the backend with an editor user;
On 6.2.15:
1) I added a text with image CE (see cattura1.png) in the custom workspace
2) save it (cattura2.png); as you can see, the image preview is present
3) in the frontend preview (cattura3.png) the image is visible.
On 7.5-dev (latest master):
4) I added a text with image CE (see cattura4.png) in the custom workspace
5) save it (cattura5.png); as you can see, the image preview is present
6) in the frontend preview (cattura6.png) the image is visible.
If you think that this is the wrong decision or experience this issue again, then please write to the mailing list typo3.teams.bugs with issue number and an explanation or open a new ticket and add a relation to this ticket number.