



Feature #51848


Introduction Package - Spoken URLs aren't working out of the box

Added by Jakob Hombsch about 11 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Should have
Install Tool
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i just loaded the 6.1.4 Introduction Package as tar.gz and installed it locally on my Mac (MAMP).

While the install was smooth, the resulting page is not browseable as the links like "http://localhost/about-typo3/" just throw a 404.

Copy the _.htaccess from typo3_src-6.1.4 to .htaccess in the root-folder of the webserver (usually known as htdocs).

The install-tool should check if there is a .htaccess file in the web-root.
--> If there is one, the install-tool should tell the user, that this might be a problem. The install tool should not install extensions which are unuseable without .htaccess (like realurl).
--> If there is none, the install-tool should offer the user to copy the example .htaccess there.
----> If the user chooses no the install tool should not install extensions which are unuseable without .htaccess (like above)
----> It the user chooses yes the install tool should copy the .htaccess so that stuff works.

Why this solution?
It is important for the project, that the introduction-package is useable even without knowlenge of technical stuff like "finding a working .htaccess". If an technical less experienced decider wants to try TYPO3 in a silent minute his opinion will not be the best if the pages tells "Grab a cup of coffee and start browsing through this site to learn why TYPO3 is the most powerful open source content management system." and then browsing is not working.

Kind Regards


Actions #1

Updated by Chris topher about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

I have just checked the introduction package again and it does contain the .htaccess file. Make sure that you have actually extracted all files! Whatever happened in your case: The .htaccess file is part of the tar.gz file.

Actions #2

Updated by Philipp Gampe about 11 years ago

Jakob Hombsch wrote:

It is important for the project, that the introduction-package is useable even without knowlenge of technical stuff like "finding a working .htaccess". If an technical less experienced decider wants to try TYPO3 in a silent minute his opinion will not be the best if the pages tells "Grab a cup of coffee and start browsing through this site to learn why TYPO3 is the most powerful open source content management system." and then browsing is not working.

If a technical less experienced decider installs a complex software himself without consulting the tech deparment, then you already have a broken work model in your business.

Chris topher wrote:

I have just checked the introduction package again and it does contain the .htaccess file. Make sure that you have actually extracted all files! Whatever happened in your case: The .htaccess file is part of the tar.gz file.

He is asking for an IP installer logic that checks if there is already an .htaccess file and asks to override or extend that file.

IMHO this is not needed, as the IP is supposed to be extracted into an empty directory.
More complex setups are not the target group of an introduction package.

Actions #3

Updated by Jakob Hombsch about 11 years ago

Chris topher wrote:

I have just checked the introduction package again and it does contain the .htaccess file. Make sure that you have actually extracted all files! Whatever happened in your case: The .htaccess file is part of the tar.gz file.

Thanks for your input Chris.

I also have checked the introduction package and it does contain a _.htaccess file, which will not be used by any software as it has an underscore in front of it. So without an "cp _.htaccess .htaccess" realurl will not work and the problem described above will continue.

Actions #4

Updated by Jakob Hombsch about 11 years ago

Philipp Gampe wrote:

IMHO this is not needed, as the IP is supposed to be extracted into an empty directory.
More complex setups are not the target group of an introduction package.

Thank you too Philipp for your time and input. I just want to point out, that my solution is not just about the IP (Introduction Package). Its all about the install tool. If I install any kind of software I expect its working without having to copy or move any file. Is there anything wrong with this expectation?

Actions #5

Updated by Alexander Schnitzler about 11 years ago

Hi Phillip,

If a technical less experienced decider installs a complex software himself without consulting the tech deparment, then you already have a broken work model in your business.

So you really think this is the way we want to make TYPO3 user friendly? By telling less experienced people to contact the tech department? This is exactly why people tend to use drupal or wordpress. It's easy to install and works out of the box, even for idiots. Anyway, your argument here really sucks, especially for the introduction package.

Maybe we should directly ask Christian Kuhn if he can implement this .htaccess check if having real_url installed. It's really not a big thing...

Actions #6

Updated by Chris topher about 11 years ago

Jakob Hombsch wrote:

I also have checked the introduction package and it does contain a _.htaccess file, which will not be used by any software (...)

Check one folder level higher! introductionpackage-6.1.4.tar.gz contains an .htaccess file, without underscore. See attached screenshot.

Actions #7

Updated by Jakob Hombsch about 11 years ago

Chris topher wrote:

Jakob Hombsch wrote:

I also have checked the introduction package and it does contain a _.htaccess file, which will not be used by any software (...)

Check one folder level higher! introductionpackage-6.1.4.tar.gz contains an .htaccess file, without underscore. See attached screenshot.

Then it seems to be a problem with the mac unzipper: attached screenshot from fresh unzipped folder.

Actions #8

Updated by Chris topher about 11 years ago

Jakob Hombsch wrote:

Then it seems to be a problem with the mac unzipper: attached screenshot from fresh unzipped folder.

Yes, it obviously cannot deal correctly with files without name. Other unzip tools should do better.

Actions #9

Updated by Philipp Gampe about 11 years ago

Did you check whether this might be a difference between the ZIP and TAR.GZ packages?

Actions #10

Updated by Philipp Gampe about 11 years ago

Jakob Hombsch wrote:

Philipp Gampe wrote:

IMHO this is not needed, as the IP is supposed to be extracted into an empty directory.
More complex setups are not the target group of an introduction package.

Thank you too Philipp for your time and input. I just want to point out, that my solution is not just about the IP (Introduction Package). Its all about the install tool. If I install any kind of software I expect its working without having to copy or move any file. Is there anything wrong with this expectation?

The install cannot do anything if there is already an .htaccess file. It certainly should not try to merge or override the file.

The missing file in the package is someting completely different.

Actions #11

Updated by Chris topher about 11 years ago

Philipp Gampe wrote:

Did you check whether this might be a difference between the ZIP and TAR.GZ packages?

Yes, I did: Both contain an .htaccess file. As they should. No file is missing.

Actions #12

Updated by Philipp Gampe about 11 years ago

Well, he has a _.htaccess where you just have an .htaccess in the screenshot, or I am blind?

Actions #13

Updated by Chris topher about 11 years ago

Because his screenshot shows the zip file while I showed the tar.gz file. The zip file contains both an _.htaccess file and the .htaccess file, which is correct as it just merges the contents of the IP with the contents of the Source Package. The _.htaccess file in the tar.gz file is inside the folder with the TYPO3 source. Also correct. An .htaccess file on the root level is contained in both files.

The solution is to use an unzip tool, which can handle files without name properly.

Actions #14

Updated by Ernesto Baschny about 11 years ago

Another problem might be MacOS Finder (used in the Screenshot) which might be hiding ".*" files - I think this is the default behaviour of it - as those are usually "system files".

Here's a howto enable Finder also displaying these files:

If the file is indeed there and the IP is not working, it might be then yet another issue, i.e. that your Webserver is not configured to allow any .htaccess settings.

Actions #15

Updated by Helmut Hummel about 11 years ago

Jakob Hombsch wrote:

Then it seems to be a problem with the mac unzipper: attached screenshot from fresh unzipped folder.

Files starting with a dot are hidden files by definition in *nix systems. The Mac Finder hides hidden files by default.
You can check if the .htaccess is there by navigating to the folder (type "cd " and drop the folder from the finder directly in your terminal window to have the path to that folder and press return) in your terminal app an doing a

ls -al

in there.

realurl not working can mean that your apache does not have the mod_rewrite module enabled.
Checking for existance of mod_rewrite is not straightforward but might be easily possible, at least if PHP is used as apache module:

Actions #16

Updated by Chris topher about 11 years ago

Ernesto Baschny wrote:

If the file is indeed there (...)

The file actually is there.

@ Jakob: I think that you can reproduce the problem when you select all [visible] files and unzip them. Does this Mac tool offer a function "unzip all files"? If so, it might be that this then really unzips all files (and not only the ones, which you can mark, because you see them).

Actions #17

Updated by Ernesto Baschny about 11 years ago

  • Category set to Install Tool
Actions #18

Updated by Jakob Hombsch about 11 years ago

Hi @all review,

thanks for the huge amount of feedback.

Chris is right: there is a .htaccess - File in the root-folder of the zip. In the first place this file was lost by copying the unzipped-folder to the htdocs-folder. When producing the screenshot it was the default setting to hide all .*-files.

So the category "feature" was correct as its not a bug in the IP :) As elevator pitch the Feature Request in a sentence: I would like to make the installer so smart to recognition such errors, and to offer a solution.

And thanks again for all the support, even with the "dump" hidden files topic.

Kind Regards

Actions #19

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to New

Seams to have to do with #52668 but yes a notice if file is missing would be nice.

Actions #20

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago

  • Target version set to 7.5
  • Complexity set to nightmare
Actions #21

Updated by Susanne Moog over 9 years ago

  • Category changed from Install Tool to 1601
Actions #22

Updated by Benni Mack over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

We have that now in the new introduction package. Try it out. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any problems.


Also available in: Atom PDF