Bug #53037
closedInstall Tool: Folder structure is too strict
The "folder structure" module of the install tool is a good help to create a missing structure. However, in our case, it confuses admins because it lacks flexibility.
The problem is that the tool reports it as an error that the root folder (/) is not a directory. That is true because in our environment, it's a symlink which points to a subfolder of the main project (../site/www). Of course this is a special structure of our hosting environment, but in previous versions, it has always worked. It even works in master even though the Install Tool reports it as an error...
Suggestion:- The root folder should be allowed to be a symbolic link OR a folder.
- It's not the case for us, but I can also imagine people who would like to have "typo3_src" to be a folder, not a symlink.
Updated by Lorenz Ulrich almost 11 years ago
I agree. I guess this folder structure is required for the new Core updater? If so, it would be better to display a warning that with the current folder structure, updates from the Install Tool won't be possible.
Updated by Philipp Gampe almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
We will lover the severity. The folder structure is required for the core updater. However the core updater will not offer an update if the folder structure does not match.
Therefore, we just need to display a warning (or even just a notice) if the folder structure does not match the core model.
Someone up to make a patch? http://wiki.typo3.org/CWT
Updated by Markus Klein over 10 years ago
- Priority changed from Should have to Must have
- Target version set to 6.2.0
@Ernesto, @Christian: I used this issue to link all related reports
Updated by Michael Stucki over 10 years ago
Looking at the code, I really wonder why the folder structure was moved into an object. Creating nodes for links, files & folders is far beyond any practical use cases.
IMHO there's almost nothing which is as static as the folder structure of TYPO3 websites, so why create all that overhead?
Think about it. My suggestion is to simplify the functionality. Don't be strict about symlinks vs. folders. And always keep the practical usefulness in mind.
Updated by Helmut Hummel over 10 years ago
Michael Stucki wrote:
Looking at the code, I really wonder why the folder structure was moved into an object. Creating nodes for links, files & folders is far beyond any practical use cases.
encapsulating behavior in objects is not "far beyond" at all
IMHO there's almost nothing which is as static as the folder structure of TYPO3 websites, so why create all that overhead?
OO Code most of the time (always?) is overhead. That does not mean that it is bad.
Think about it. My suggestion is to simplify the functionality. Don't be strict about symlinks vs. folders.
Simplifying is something different than flexibility.
And always keep the practical usefulness in mind.
The code has been written with automatic upgrade in mind. Supporting every possible link/ folder structure in an update case is close to impossible.
Thus there must be one default structure that supports an automatic update in the install tool.
The folder structure is only "enforced" for this case and during install (and auto update is disabled if current structure does not match the expected one)
Having all that in mind, please make a practical suggestion what you actually want to see changed.
(Maybe implementing #52669 would already do the job do and would be very easy thanks to a clean code structure.)
Updated by Franz Holzinger over 10 years ago
I get some recommendations:
These files or folders have errors and may be automatically fixable: Path /index.php is not a link The target /index.php should be a link, but is of type file. This can not be fixed. Please investigate. Path /typo3 is not a link The target /typo3 should be a link, but is of type dir. This can not be fixed. Please investigate. /typo3_src should be a link, but it does not exist Links can not be fixed by this system
However symbolic links cannot be made on this installation. I do not have ssh access. The folders should work fine. No symbolic links are necessary at all.
But the Install Tool marks these lines red as errors.
Updated by Ernesto Baschny over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Closed
This was fixed in #52668. New defaults are 0664 and 2775.
Updated by Thomas Candrian almost 10 years ago
Not completely fixed, I still receive:
/ is not a directory
Directory / should be a directory, but is of type link
Updated by Franz Holzinger almost 10 years ago
This warning comes with the installation of TYPO3 6.2.5:
/index.php is a link, but link target is not as specified Link target should be typo3_src/index.php but is typo3/index.php
My root folder has these files:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 ttboard ttboard 0 Okt 7 10:31 FIRST_INSTALL lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttboard ttboard 15 Okt 7 10:33 index.php -> typo3/index.php lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttboard ttboard 15 Okt 6 22:05 typo3 -> typo3_src/typo3 lrwxrwxrwx 1 ttboard ttboard 15 Okt 6 22:04 typo3_src -> typo3_src-6.2.5 drwxrwxrwx 3 ttboard ttboard 4096 Sep 23 15:33 typo3_src-6.2.5
It should allow the link to typo3/index.php.
Updated by Michael Stucki almost 10 years ago
In your case, the warning seems to be correct. typo3/index.php is not the same as typo3_src/index.php. In fact, you are now pointing to typo3_src/typo3/index.php.
Just ignore the warning and see what happens.
Franz Holzinger wrote:
This warning comes with the installation of TYPO3 6.2.5:
My root folder has these files:
It should allow the link to typo3/index.php.
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 10 years ago
Double linking isn't resolved yet.
Please open a new issue as feature if this is really needed and write in how this should be handled by the Core Updater.
Updated by Franz Holzinger almost 10 years ago
There are indeed two different index.php files.
# ls -l typo3/index.php -rwxrwxrwx 1 ttboard ttboard 2196 Sep 23 15:33 typo3/index.php # ls -l typo3_src/index.php -rwxrwxrwx 1 ttboard ttboard 921 Sep 23 15:33 typo3_src/index.php
This means that the link "typo3/index.php" must be forbidden.
Then this issue could have the wrong link as the reason:
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 10 years ago
See #62074 for an answer to your issue.
Updated by Christian no-lastname-given about 8 years ago
I am also using '/' to be a 'link' and decided to patch the installer ...
... please feel free to make use of attached patch.
P.S.: patch is based on typo3-6.2.25