Feature #59341
closedProvide progress indicator while image-processing FAL uploads
This applies to all FAL-capable media fields: After an image is uploaded through the uploader (click or drag'n'drop) in the backend, some image processing takes place. The UI is confusing at this point, though:
- The image has already been removed from the upload list.
- The new media relation is not shown yet.
It is not clear to the user that something is going on in the background. This is no problem on small images, which appear almost instantaneously. Large images can easily take a few seconds to process. In the meantime, the user is left wondering what is going on.
Even worse, if the user presses "save" to quickly, assuming his upload has succeeded, the FAL relation will never even be created.
Some kind of progress indicator or simply a throbber might help clarify this. Also, it could make sense to disable the save buttons while processing takes place.