Feature #60368
closedBuild TCA and SQL Definitions from Entities
When adding some features to a project i allways wonder why there is not way to port an entity model into TCA.
It should be able to get most settings from the properties by now.
Now you allways have to synch TCA>eval, SQL Definitions and Model Validations, it would be much more efficient to simply create your model and add something like
SQL Definitions would be added automatically
TCA Definition would be added automatically
To add special things like Wizards, etc the TCA Overrides would have to be used.
Additonally you could connect the main engine that saves records in the backend to the model and do the persisting via the repository, so singal-slot hooks would also work, a TCEMainHook would not be neccessary anymore. That way an entity cache for extbase models would be very easy to implement too.
So effectively we would have 2 parallel ways of developing. The old - complicated - way of doing everything separately and the new way of letting extbase handle all those things.
Then you could also provice a command-controller to alter the SQL definitions automatically (for deploying):
php5 typo3_src/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase migrate:addfields
I think this would also bring TYPO3.CMS\Extbase much closer to TYPO3.NEOS and would migration make much easier.