Bug #62767
closedMissing function to clear processed images (FAL image cache)
There is no functionality in TYPO3 6.2 that allows to clear the new image cache (processed folders in typo3temp and file storages + sys_file_processedfile database table).
To clear the table a function exists in the Upgrade Wizard, but it is not available after completing a migration and it does not delete the files on file storages, so there are lots of files left without reference (do they get deleted someday?).
In addition:
A "trigger" to delete processed files (i. e. a hook in the core "clear cache" function) should be available in every FAL Driver like S3 and so on.
Updated by Ingo Schmitt about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hello Christian,
if you just delete the processed files, you would end up in a frontend with missing images, since the frontend would deliver cached pages with image references. Thus the page cache must also be cleared.
Can you provide a use case, why the already generated images should be cleared by a backend task (Besides of cleaning this directory)?
Updated by Christian Ludwig about 10 years ago
You are right, the page cache should be cleared too.
The reason why a clear cache function for FAL is needed are the same as they are for the old image system.
- Clean up unneeded image sizes (i. e. when image size was globally changed by TypoScript setting)
- Clean up database an file system from all temp data before backups
- Clean up temp files, when original images got deleted by external process (WebDAV, rsync, ...)
- Problems with bugs in current FAL version (i. e. change image file by FTP or other application, wrong image sizes, ...)
Updated by Bernhard Kraft almost 10 years ago
I provided reasons for adding a possibility to clear sys_file_processedfiles in the issue I related to this one.
Updated by Christian Ludwig almost 10 years ago
Ingo Schmitt wrote:
Can you provide a use case, why the already generated images should be cleared by a backend task (Besides of cleaning this directory)?
Feedback was given, can anyone please change the status of this issue? Thanks.
Updated by Geddo no-lastname-given almost 10 years ago
+1 This is def. a must have!
While i'm messing around with many images while developing a website i would love to have a "RefreshAllProcessedImages"-Button do replace the placeholders with the final content
Updated by Felix Nagel almost 10 years ago
I think I've got another use case:
When changing the FAL image names (e.g. for SEO reasons) it seems there is no way to force a re-rendering of the cached processed images. Or do I miss something?
Updated by Alexander Köberl over 9 years ago
another use-case: we have extensions importing data and images from foreign sources. changed images are updated on every import in uploads/tx_****/, but the new typo3temp/_processed_/ imagecache is ignoring these image updates.
Updated by Steffen Roßkamp over 9 years ago
There also seems to be an issue when using the replace file function. The system still uses the old file until some time later.
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
- Target version changed from next-patchlevel to 7.5
Updated by Benni Mack over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 7.5 to 7 LTS
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
this was solved in 6.2 and 7 with a clean-up option within the install tool.
Updated by Marc Blasig about 9 years ago
Is it possible to enable this feature within the "Clear cache" dropdown for non-administrator backend users? We have the same issue as #7 on a regular basis and would like to perform the clean-up from within the normal TYPO3 backend.