Bug #69022
openTranslated records can't be found when the original is hidden
If you deactivate a record and try to get the translated one you will get a: "#1297759968: Exception while property mapping at property path "":Object with identity "123" not found."
This happens because extbase always works with the uid's of the original records and does the language overlay at last.
So if the original is hidden it can't be found and so either you can't get the translated overlay.
I guess best would be to expect translated items will be deactivated too if I deactivate the original one, otherwise you have to create a single record in the target language.
Checking everytime if a record is translated would be a mess for this edge case...
Updated by Markus Klein over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Translated records can't be found when the orignal is hidden to Translated records can't be found when the original is hidden
- Status changed from New to Accepted
fully agree
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Category changed from Extbase to Extbase + l10n
Updated by Tymoteusz Motylewski over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback
Sorry for the late response. How do you get the translated record?
Can you please give some steps to reproduce, ideally a code snippet, and info about the records?
Without it I can't reproduce it, write tests and fix the issue.
Updated by Daniel Dorndorf over 6 years ago
have no access to this code no more.
But as far as I can remember it was just a list with findAll() in my controller and normal product records.
I'll try to reproducs this in 7.6 or above, but in 6.2 I had the issue in other systems too.
You'll have to create a record and a translation for it, if you disable the german translation parent and call the english record in frontend you'll got an error because the translation layer wasn't able to fetch the parent.
Seems in this case the hiddden check was to strict etc.
Updated by Susanne Moog almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
No clear steps how to reproduce, nothing happened here for quite some time - going to close this issue now. If you still have problems, please open a new issue with steps to reproduce and a code example.
Updated by Daniel Dorndorf about 1 year ago
- TYPO3 Version changed from 6.2 to 11
- PHP Version changed from 5.5 to 8.2
I encountered this issue again in v11.5.
This can be reproduced by translating a content element in connected mode and disabling the original record.
Even though the translation is still enabled extbase won't be able to fetch the translation overlay due to the disabled original.
I don't get an error message in v11, but I'm missing the enabled content elements in the frontend of my translated page.
Updated by Simon Schaufelberger about 1 year ago
- Related to Bug #102578: Translated content elements can not be found when the original element is disabled added