Bug #81469
closedUpgrade from 7.6 to 8.7 - "Execute database migrations on single rows" wizard ends with error
Have problem with following upgrade wizard:
Execute database migrations on single rows
Some row updaters have not been executed:
Migrate values in database records having "l10n_mode" either set to "exclude" or "mergeIfNotBlank"
Migrate values in sys_file_reference crop field
Scan for old "<link>" syntax in richtext and text fields and update to "<a href>"
After long running time it throws:
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `sys_refindex` (`tablename`, `recuid`, `field`, `flexpointer`, `softref_key`, `softref_id`, `sorting`, `deleted`, `workspace`, `ref_table`, `ref_uid`, `ref_string`, `hash`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["tt_content", 13016, "bodytext", "", "typolink_tag", "9e432bda251dba06e251b6d0d955e310:3", -1, 0, 0, "_STRING", 0, "http:\/\/apps.webofknowledge.com\/CitingArticles.do?product=UA&SID=W29E4puidsTbO54KORu&search_mode=CitingArticles&parentProduct=UA&parentQid=1&parentDoc=1&REFID=1092331&betterCount=1102&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromNonInterProduct", "eff983bdfbb4a6f87f30fbd9b97c6b84"]: Data too long for column 'ref_string' at row 1
Probably unable to handle longer links?
Updated by Attila Glück almost 6 years ago
Related to: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/80903
Updated by Andreas Kienast almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
As far as I can see this specific issue has been resolved with #79425, thus I'll close this ticket.
If the issue is still not solved, feel free to ping me to open it again.
Updated by Benni Mack almost 5 years ago
- Sprint Focus changed from PRC to Needs Decision