Bug #84261
closedPageRenderer Includes and config.compress/concatenate CSS/JS does not work
When including JS and CSS files using the Pagerenderer in some Extbase actions the config.compress/concatenate function will break with a WARNING.
Example include in an Extbase Controller Action:
$pageRenderer = $this->objectManager->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Page\PageRenderer::class);
Then enable the compression in the Typoscript configuration and you will get this warning:
file_get_contents(/home/www/p123456789/html/typo3conf/ext/myext/Resources/Public/Javascripts/my.js): failed to open stream
The path is stripping a path segment to the TYPO3_path it should be this instead:
Somehow, files that are included using the PageRenderer will be delivered relative to the RessourceCompressor like:
Line 284 of RessourceCompressor will then strip it away and remove the /typo3/-part of the path in this line:
$filenameAbsolute = GeneralUtility::resolveBackPath($this->rootPath . $filename);