Bug #97186
openMenuprocessor shortcut active subpage wrong link state
It seems that there is a problem with the link state of shortcuts if the shortcut points to a subpage that is currently open in the browser.
We use the MenuProcessor for our breadcrumbs, and if I go to a subpage from a shortcut, and the shortcut links to this specific subpage, then both the shortcut as well as the subpage are getting the status "current". See attached screenshot.
I would expect that only the current page would get the state "current", and the parent shortcut page not.
Problem occurs in TYPO3 11.5.8
Updated by Benni Mack almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hey Marcel,
yes, we've changed this recently (one could call it a regression, but I guess the current behaviour is more like it should behave in general). Let's use the naming differently: If you have a shortcut item in a menu, could this ever have a "current" status?
Also, can you share your TypoScript configuration?
Updated by Marcel Macasso almost 3 years ago
Hi Benni,
sure, this is the TypoScript that is used:
page.10.dataProcessing {
40 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor
40 {
special = rootline
special.range = 0|-1
includeNotInMenu = {$page.navigation.breadcrumbNav.includeNotInMenu}
as = navigationBreadcrumb
if {
value = {$page.navigation.breadcrumbNav.enableLevel}
value {
insertData = 1
prioriCalc = 1
stdWrap.wrap = |-1
isGreaterThan {
data = level
As a workaround I added in Fluid a check that adds the "current" class only if the page in the iteration has the same uid as the current page I am on.
<f:if condition="{navigation_breadcrumb}">
<nav id="breadcrumbs">
<ol class="breadcrumbs">
<f:for each="{navigation_breadcrumb}" as="item">
<f:variable name="currentCssClass" value="" />
<f:if condition="{item.data.uid} == {pageUid}">
<f:variable name="currentCssClass" value=" current" />
<li class="{f:if(condition:item.active, then:' active')}{currentCssClass}">
<f:if condition="{currentCssClass} == false">
<span class="name">{item.title}</span>
<a href="{item.link}" title="{item.title}">
<span class="name">{item.title}</span>
But you are right. The question is if a shortcut item could ever have a current state. I guess not.
Updated by Marcel Macasso almost 3 years ago
- Related to Bug #97037: Shortcut in menu to root page is always active added
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 2 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 2 years ago
Revert a6593bd949 to solve the issue.
Updated by Christian Welzel over 2 years ago
Let's use the naming differently: If you have a shortcut item in a menu, could this ever have a "current" status?
No, it should not be active on its own.
If you want the shortcut to be active, you can easily set this by
[page["uid"] == xxx]
page.10.dataProcessing.10.alwaysActivePIDlist = yyy
This change breaks installations, where the content of the landing page is on the rootpage of the installation and there is a shortcut like "welcome" to this root page in the menu. This "welcome"-page is always active in current TYPO3 versions, no matter, what the real active page is.
Updated by Christian Hackl almost 2 years ago
Another workaround:
ORIGINAL: <f:else if="{item.active}"></f:else>
WORKAROUND: <f:else if="{item.active} && {item.data.doktype} !== 4"></f:else>
doktype 4 = shortcut page
Updated by Uwe Wiebach 10 months ago
Christian Hackl wrote in #note-8:
Another workaround:
This workaround sadly does not work if the current page is below another shortcut. This one should have the active state but the one leading to the current page not.
So I added this (using EXT:bootstrap_package) to mark only shortcuts not leading to a specific page:{f:if(condition: '{item.active} && ({item.data.doktype} !== 4 || {item.data.shortcut_mode})', then:' active')}