



Bug #17104


Install Tool does not work when using the right password

Added by Dick Rundell almost 18 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Should have
Install Tool
Target version:
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Might be dumb but I can't figure out the username on the install tool login. I know joh316 is password but what is username? Tried leaving it blank, put joh316 in there too, admin login for server you name it. Can't find it anywhere in documentation. Anyone want to enlighten me. I can use fantastico but it is not the current stable version so I want to install manually with install tool. A hint on default username would be helpful. Thx

(issue imported from #M5182)


5182-1.diff (1.11 KB) 5182-1.diff Administrator Admin, 2008-11-13 18:58
5182-2.diff (1.91 KB) 5182-2.diff Administrator Admin, 2008-11-14 15:42
5182-3.diff (2.12 KB) 5182-3.diff Administrator Admin, 2008-11-14 16:27

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of TYPO3 Core - Bug #21627: Install tool password not accepted when PHP safe mode is enabledClosed2009-11-20

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Stucki almost 18 years ago

The Install Tool does not require a username, only the password. Obviously you are trying to enter the boat at the wrong end.

Actions #2

Updated by Dick Rundell almost 18 years ago

Well I'm using a redhat linux server with all the goodies and I assumed at first that I didn't have to use a username and leave it blank but it didn't work so I tried a couple of browser from my windows machine (Fire Fox and IE6) however all I get is and endless loop for a "username" and passord? Installed manually on 2 or 3 domains with same result? Of course its on my servers and never had this much problem? Is there a way to not require any username and password for install file so I can just delete install folder after installation?
Appreciate it Michael

Actions #3

Updated by Dick Rundell almost 18 years ago

Well still have same problem on another host. Can't use typo3 if I have to manually install because I can't get the install tool to work! Someone want to clarify the steps to enable the install tool to accept the password "joh316" so I can set my clients up on a typo3 site that doesn't have Fantastico to automatically install the program? Thanks

Actions #4

Updated by Dick Rundell almost 18 years ago

At least tell me how to disable the password requirement for the install tool since I will delete the entire folder after install. I have never left a install folder on any site after installing a program.

Actions #5

Updated by Franz Holzinger over 16 years ago

I have observed the same behaviour with Firefox and Epiphany browsers.
When I enter a wrong password, it shows me the md5 checksum for it. But as soon as I enter the correct password, then I have found out, that the password is empty! I have attached a patch which shows that you never get any password and can never log in. This does not happen in Internet Explorer.

Actions #6

Updated by Franz Holzinger over 16 years ago

@Dick Rundell : Just change this line to the file ext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php

var $passwordOK=1;            // This is set, if the password check was ok. The function init() will exit if this is not set

And you are always logged in.

Actions #7

Updated by Franz Holzinger over 16 years ago

Wireshark says, that the Typo3InstallTool is sent twice at the beginning after login with the correct install tool password.

Cookie: be_typo_user=...; Typo3InstallTool_key=...; fe_typo_user=...; Typo3InstallTool=oldwrongencryptedpassword; PHPSESSID=...; Typo3InstallTool=correctencryptedpassword;

So maybe the IE could deal with it and always used the last encrypted password which is the correct one.
I do not know why, but unfortunately there has been an old cookie value for the Typo3InstallTool. I have tried to delete all Cookies, caches and temp cached files with success. However it has always filled it still with an old wrong encrypted install tool password. I could not find anything in the PHP code where this wrong first one could have been set. If you have an idea where it came from, then please fix it. I did not even succeed in simply deleting the cookie, because this might need its own redirection.

So I have now written a workaround which introduces a second cookie Typo3InstallTool1. If one of both is correct, then the login is successfull.

Actions #8

Updated by Franz Holzinger about 16 years ago

I observe a very similar issue also with the login to the TYPO3 backend in Firefox and Epiphany browsers. The password is stored by the browser. However I have to try to login twice in most cases after restart of the computer. Only at the second try with the same correct password I am able to login.

Actions #9

Updated by Franz Holzinger about 16 years ago

This strange behaviour with Firefox browsers:

When I enter the wrong passwort, I get the message:

The password you just tried has this md5-value: md5sum of password

When I enter the correct passwort, then this additional message does not appear on the login page of the install tool.

Actions #10

Updated by zylonne almost 16 years ago

I am having the same issue today with a new installation of 4.2.3 on a firefox browser. I finally had to use the brute force method (passwordOK=1 !) to box my way in. Restarting my mac did not help, or deleting cookies.

Actions #11

Updated by Oliver Hader almost 16 years ago

Which browser are you using and how does your URL to log in look like?
e.g. (interesting would be the disposal of underscores in domain names - which is not allowed by internet RFC)

Actions #12

Updated by zylonne over 15 years ago

Hi Oliver,
sorry I tuned out of the bug report here. but now I am back, trying to install typo3 4.2.6 with the SAME firefox problem, fixed it again with the SAME brute force method, my firefox
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060214 Firefox/3.0.11

my url is nothing special

Actions #13

Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 15 years ago

@Franz Koch:
This happened on one of our servers, to recent/y (Install tool login not accepting correct password).

We where able to fix this by disabling php safe_mode.

This is a regression in 4.3 (at least 4.3.1), we are unable to reporduce this with 4.2 (4.2.12)
I now have a test system available and will try to dig into this, soon.

Actions #14

Updated by Adrian Föder almost 15 years ago

Same on my system when upgrading to 4.3.2

Disabling Safe Mode (it was accidently enabled) fixed it also on my system.

Maybe this may help: I figured out that on older version two cookies are set,


On the new system that does NOT allow login, "Typo3InstallTool_key" lacks; only "Typo3InstallTool" is present.

Actions #15

Updated by Patrik Nasfors almost 15 years ago

Sorry if I have misunderstood something, but isn't it like Michael Stucki says in the first note, that you are trying to login at the wrong place?

zylonne writes: "my url is nothing special"
But that's the login URL for the BACKEND, not the Install Tool.

You normally add "typo3/install/" to the base URL to get to the Install Tool and in this case it forwards to "" when you just write the folder name.

When you get there (after the Install Tool has been enabled), you just get prompted for a password and nothing about a username.

Actions #16

Updated by Christian Kuhn about 14 years ago

Resolved, won't fix:

safe_mode is officially deprecated since 4.5. We only fix issues in this area if someone comes up with a simple solution, simple testcase and an important problem.

Since this issue is already open for a long time and nobody really took care ... I'll close this issue for now. If you still think this hard to reproduce and analyze issue must be fixed, feel free to reopen / it or create a new one. Best chances to get it done is a working patch together with a straight 'how to reproduce'.


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