Feature #17538
closedWhy not a native lang support ?
For now the only way to make multilang website is to
1) Creat languages records
2) Translate pages & content
3) Modify the TS Template to add a language switch for each lang
From my point of view, the third step should not be. We can use the L get parameter to load the language record wich has the same id, ald get from it others informations, like language key, instead of reading it in the template (of course template should handle default language, but the propreties will be overriden by language record values)
By the way, the L get var can become a "system" var, so should be added in "cHash excluded parameters" and the sys_langage_uid added in the hash array (@see TSFE->getHash) to have a nice language system, without cHashes and cache problems.
I attach an example extension, wich define a ux_tslib_fe to realize it.
(issue imported from #M6163)