



Bug #21250


Cannot login after upgrade to TYPO3 4.3 due to missing authentication method

Added by Oliver Klee over 14 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Should have
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Steps to reproduce (from memory - that happened to me some time ago):

1. Have a site running on 4.2.
2. Update the source to the latest 4.3/trunk.
3. Perform a DB update and run the update wizard.
4. Try to login to the BE.

Expected result:
Login works, everything fine and dandy.

Actual result:
No authentication methods available. Please, contact your TYPO3 administrator.

Setting "loginSecurityLevel" from (empty) to "superchallenged" helps so the login works again.

However, the install tool already displays "superchallenged" as the default value for that field. So leaving it empty should work just as fine as setting it to "superchallenged".

This is a major problem because it locks users out after upgrading to 4.3.
(issue imported from #M12205)


12205.diff (864 Bytes) 12205.diff Administrator Admin, 2009-10-15 00:50

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Feature #20382: Implement RSA authentication for BE and FEClosedDmitry Dulepov2009-04-30

Related to TYPO3 Core - Feature #15360: Provide an "Upgrade Wizard" on just one page for upgrading TYPO3 easilyClosed2006-01-04

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #20543: The value for loginSecurityLevel is by default emptyClosedOliver Hader2009-06-02

Actions #1

Updated by Rupert Germann over 14 years ago

I investigated this and found that the steps to reproduce are wrong.

correct is:

1. Have a site running on 4.2.
2. be shure that there are tempCACHE* files in typo3conf/ don't delete them
3. Update the source to the latest 4.3/trunk.
4. Perform a DB update DONT'T run the update wizard.
5. Try to login to the BE.

this shows already the solution:
clearing the cache files will do the trick.
(it seems that this was not needed in earlier versions)

to ease live of admins I suggest to add the attached patch which adds "did you clear the tempCACHE* files after updating your site?" to the "no auth methods..." popup.

Actions #2

Updated by Benjamin Bremmer over 14 years ago

I do have a site running on TYPO3 4.3 now but nothing of this helped. Neither deleting temp_CACHE* files nor performing or not performing update wizards and db updates, i tried it several times all the way round but i couldn’t get it to work…
Also I went through almost the whole internet and tried eerything it was told to me in forums, nothing helped.
Additionally, i changed login procedure in localconf.php to rsa and added rsaauth to the extension list, then, the following happened: i didn’t get an error but if i sent the login data it loads something and then shows an empty loginform…
seems to be hard to fix…

Actions #3

Updated by Joerg Kummer over 14 years ago

Same situation on my T3 installation.

I could fix it by install/loading the latest version of extension 'TYPO3 System Services' (sv 1.1.0).
In my case an older version was located in typo3conf/ext and loaded as "Local" version (same version number). The latest 'sv' brings new files and configurations but couldn't be loaded because the "Local" version takes precedence (Double installs!)

How to fix:

- delete extensionfolder 'sv' from typo3conf/ext/
- delete temp_CACHE* files

Actions #4

Updated by Benni Mack about 14 years ago

Can we close this issue? The loginSecurityLevel has been set already, so it's not really an issue in the core anymore.

Actions #5

Updated by Chris topher about 14 years ago

Hi Benni, since this bug also was about having an empty field for loginSecurityLevel in the Install Tool, I think this bug partly is still there:

If you don't have a value set for loginSecurityLevel in localconf.php, the Install Tool shows an empty field there.

For other values, which you did not set in localconf.php either, the standard value IS displayed inside the according field.

I think this should still be fixed.

Actions #6

Updated by Cris almost 14 years ago

Hi - just updated 4.2.2 to 4.4.2 and have received message: "No authentication methods available. Please, contact your TYPO3 administrator." when logging into backend. Deleting temp_CACHE* didn't work. Nor did setting loginSecurityLevel in the install section. No sv in local extensions. This bug appears to be alive still.

Actions #7

Updated by Bastian Heer over 13 years ago

Hey - So did I. And not one of the promissed solutions did work for me, too..

Actions #8

Updated by martin zarth about 13 years ago

The problem occured in a typo3-install of mine after an upgrade to PHP 5.3.2. Afterwards i downgraded to 5.2.11, everything is working fine now.

Actions #9

Updated by Wouter Wolters about 11 years ago

  • Target version deleted (-1)

Is this still an issue with TYPO3 4.5 or higher?

Actions #10

Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (Rupert Germann)

No feedback for over 90 days.


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