



Bug #50392


Specifying size in ImageViewHelper does nothing

Added by Oliver Salzburg over 11 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Should have
File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
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I'm having a bit of trouble with cached image sizes ( and thought I could simply get around it by specifying a desired size in the ViewHelper. But the image is still rendered with the old, cached size.


<f:image src="EXT:user_website/Resources/Public/Images/logo.png" width="300" minWidth="300" height="70" minHeight="70" />


<img src="/typo3conf/ext/user_website/Resources/Public/Images/logo.png" width="114" height="114">

I would have expected the processed file object to inherit the desired size provided from the ViewHelper.

Related issues 7 (0 open7 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #44105: Image size does not get updatedClosed2012-12-19

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #45922: image replacement, width and height are kept even i change my imageClosed2013-02-28

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #52658: Overriding image does not change the dimensionsRejected2013-10-10

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #46446: sys_file doesn't get updatedClosed2013-03-20

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #62400: Lot of entries in sys_file_processed with name=NULL and identifier emptyRejectedAndreas Wolf2014-10-22

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #61181: FAL: file maxW and maxH are ignoredRejected2014-08-25

Related to TYPO3 Core - Task #64196: Make it possible to re index files from storage 0Rejected2015-01-08

Actions #1

Updated by Philipp Gampe over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

Did you clear all caches. Changing the Fluid template does neither invalidate page cache nor Fluid template cache.

Actions #2

Updated by Oliver Salzburg over 11 years ago

Philipp Gampe wrote:

Did you clear all caches. Changing the Fluid template does neither invalidate page cache nor Fluid template cache.

Clearing caches has no effect on this issue (but, yes, I've tried it several times anyway). The width and height values will always be those that are stored (and never updated) in the sys_file table. :(

Actions #3

Updated by Philipp Gampe over 11 years ago

  • Category set to File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Accepted
  • TYPO3 Version changed from 6.1 to 6.0
  • Complexity set to medium

Those values should be updated by either the indexing task or by visiting the folder in the file module.

We might want to implement a force index action too.

Actions #4

Updated by Oliver Salzburg over 11 years ago

Philipp Gampe wrote:

Those values should be updated by either the indexing task or by visiting the folder in the file module.

We might want to implement a force index action too.

The file in question is a file that is stored in the Resources directory of an extension (speciality in the Bootstrap package The indexing task only affects files that are stored in a registered storage location, which this Resources folder isn't. The file also isn't accessible through the File module.

Even removing and reinstalling the extension will not invoke an update of the cached data. I must assume that this could also be a potential issue with extension updates.

Either way, I assume this underlying problem best fits within the other reported issue (, where I reported this initially. I was just hoping that I could get around it by specifying the desired image size explicitly in the ViewHelper, but my requested image size is overruled :(

Actions #5

Updated by Philipp Gampe over 11 years ago

OK, lets track the wrong DB values in #44105 and use this issue for the Fluid part. I agree that explicit values in the viewhelper should overrule automatic detection from the DB.

Are you fine with moving this ticket to Fluid? I will do so this afternoon.

Actions #6

Updated by Oliver Salzburg over 11 years ago

Philipp Gampe wrote:

Are you fine with moving this ticket to Fluid? I will do so this afternoon.

If that was directed at me, sure, move the ticket to wherever you see it fit. Thanks for the effort.

Actions #7

Updated by Philipp Gampe over 11 years ago

  • Project changed from TYPO3 Core to 2559
  • Category deleted (File Abstraction Layer (FAL))
Actions #8

Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago

  • Project changed from 2559 to TYPO3 Core
Actions #9

Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback
  • Is Regression set to No

Is this still an issue on 6.2?

Actions #10

Updated by Oliver Salzburg almost 11 years ago

Markus Klein wrote:

Is this still an issue on 6.2?

After this much time, we can only hope that it isn't :P I'll be sure to report again when the issue comes up.

Actions #11

Updated by Thomas Luzat almost 11 years ago

The problem persists for me. I verified this in two cases using 6.2 LTS:

<f:image src="fileadmin/..."/>
<f:image src="EXT:my_ext/..."/>

In both cases width and height of the previous images are used if I clear the caches in the backend and, just to make sure, of typo3temp.

I did replace the images outside of TYPO3 (that is using the shell). I am not so sure whether this is really unrelated to #44105 and that one is really solved. Unfortunately I am not familiar with the file management code yet.


Thomas Luzat

Actions #12

Updated by Arne-Kolja Bachstein over 10 years ago

Does anyone know where this is actually cached? I am fighting with this one, too. But I can't seem to find the source of it. Cleared everything obvious like caching tables, typo3temp cache folders and so on.

Whenever changing the width and height attribute, the old values are still used when viewing the output.

Actions #13

Updated by Christian Ludwig over 10 years ago

Same here with TYPO3 v6.2.3. Images sometimes appeared in the desired size and sometimes not. Until this is fixed, I am useing the old ImageViewHelper from v4.7 and change the views of my extensions.

Here you can find an extended ViewHelper of v4.7 that can simply be renamed and added to your own extension.

Actions #14

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 10 years ago

  • Category set to Frontend
  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Actions #15

Updated by filigivuji filigivuji over 10 years ago

Not sure if this is related (if it's not, I can create a new bug if there isn't already one).
I have upgraded TYPO3 4.5 to 6.2.
In one case there's an "images" content element, all its pictures were migrated to fileadmin/_migrated/pics/ by the upgrade script.
The "height" setting in the content element's "Appearance" tab is being ignored, and the <img>'s source attributes just link to fileadmin/_migrated/pics/, i.e. the pictures have not been rescaled by TYPO3, and the image's height/width attributes are the picture's original size.
When I add a picture from a folder inside fileadmin/ that has its own file mount, the rescaling works properly.

Actions #16

Updated by Christian Ludwig over 10 years ago

I found out that we had lots of entries in table 'sys_file_processedfile' that had an empty 'name', 'width' and 'height'. Deleting those by

DELETE FROM `sys_file_processedfile` WHERE `name` IS NULL;

solved my problems.

My questions are:

1. Why does the install tool "Clean up" -> "Clear tables" not offer a function to clean image cache sizes and what does "cache_imagesizes" do in FAL?

2. And again the install tool: "Clean up" -> "Clean typo3temp/ folder" -> "_processed_" suggests cleaning exactly what we want but it does not touch files in fileadmin or in the sys_file_processedfile table.

3. Shouldn't the install tool "Important actions" -> "Clear all caches" clean those caches too?

It would be great to have a proper Cache cleaning tool for FAL that wipes out all files in the processed folders of fileadmin plus cleaning the database sys_file_processedfile (and maybe cache_imagesizes and cache_typo3temp_log if they are involved in the caching). Or a scheduler task that checks the real sizes and existence of "processed" files.

Actions #17

Updated by Christian Ludwig over 10 years ago

I also noticed this bug when uploading two files with the same name, only differing in case (i. e. "Test.jpg" and "test.JPG"). You receive two results from sys_file when searching in field identifier.
Maybe this helps identifying the bug.

Actions #18

Updated by Alexander Opitz over 10 years ago

@Christian Ludwig

This sounds like you are on a case-insensitive file system (Windows, MacOS X Default partition) but your storage is configured as case-sensitive.

Actions #19

Updated by Christian Ludwig over 10 years ago

No it is a Linux system and there are two files exiting on the file storage. But this time, when I analysed the problem with image sizes, I noticed that it was a file that existed twice, only differing in case.
I was not aware of the "Uses case sensitive identifiers" setting, so FAL is always case sensitive on db requests and this could not cause the described problem?

Actions #20

Updated by Romain Seignez about 10 years ago

On typo3 6.2.4

I had the same problem from a resource plugin file.
I finally found a record of this file in sys_file table and i fixed size manually in sys_file_metadata.

Actions #21

Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago

  • Target version set to 7.1 (Cleanup)
  • Sprint Focus set to On Location Sprint
Actions #22

Updated by Frans Saris about 10 years ago

  • Category changed from Frontend to File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
Actions #23

Updated by Markus Klein almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Target version deleted (7.1 (Cleanup))
  • Sprint Focus deleted (On Location Sprint)

Is this still an issue on 6.2.11+?

Actions #24

Updated by Thomas Sperling almost 10 years ago

Markus Klein wrote:

Is this still an issue on 6.2.11+?

I have updated to 6.2.11 and will give feedback next week.

EDIT: I can confirm: the bug still exist. And the

DELETE FROM `sys_file_processedfile` WHERE `name` IS NULL;

does not work for me anymore (but it is not reason of 6.2.11).

Actions #25

Updated by Grégory Duchesnes almost 10 years ago

I had the exact same problem after an upgrade from 4.5 to 6.1 and then 6.2

the problem was that im_path, im_path_lzw and im_version_5 were not set in the LocalConfiguration.php file since they were included from an external file in my 4.5 install.

Therefore images were rendered in their original size.

Sounds stupid but worth checking anyway ;-)

Actions #26

Updated by Thomas Sperling almost 10 years ago

Grégory Duchesnes wrote:

the problem was that im_path, im_path_lzw and im_version_5 were not set in the LocalConfiguration.php file

that was not my problem but it lead me to the right place. There was an issue with ImageMagick: in the error.log I had a lot of lcms: Error #12288; Pointer error; probably corrupted file
So I switched from im6 to gm and voilà, it worked. This solved my problem that every picture wasn't scaled, but I assume that my old problem with some few unscaled pictures still exist ...

Actions #27

Updated by Oliver Salzburg almost 10 years ago

The original issue I reported is not related to IM/GM and it is specific to files located in typo3conf/ext. These files would under no circumstance have their metadata updated in the database. All other files, in fileadmin or any other file mount are not relevant to this issue.

Files in filemounts can have their metadata refreshed, because you can easily clear the metadata cache or update it with a scheduler task. But you need a filemount for that. The same operation does not work for typo3conf/ext. So whatever metadata was recorded when accessing the file for the first time, will be persisted until you manually update the database.

Given the age of this issue, we obviously found ways to work around this behavior soon after FAL was introduced. So it's not like we still have this issue anywhere or could judge whether it still exists. We also don't have a particular interest in it any longer, because we don't rely on FAL here.

Actions #28

Updated by Frans Saris almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed

Updating the "cached" info for storage 0 will tackled with #64196.

Actions #29

Updated by Michael Ganner over 9 years ago

I ran into the same problem. Executing the following scheduler task solved it: TYPO3\CMS\Scheduler\Task\FileStorageIndexingTask

Actions #30

Updated by Julian Stock over 4 years ago

For me using

'imagefile_ext' => 'gif,jpg,jpeg,png,svg',

in GFX settings (LocalConfiguration.php) did the trick. (TYPO3 v9)

Before doing that, resizing jpg images was working fine, but png did nothing. Now I get files named like /fileadmin/_processed_/4/9/csm_chat-o2_06_f6076b7007.png so it's working :)


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