Bug #71609
closedRTE Options dont work
It seems that the page TS options
RTE.default.buttons.link {
targetSelector.disabled = 1
popupSelector.disabled = 1
options.removeItems = folder
don’t have any effect anymore.
Updated by Martin R. Krause about 9 years ago
- Target version set to 7 LTS
In fact the whole TYPO3\CMS\Rtehtmlarea\Controller\BrowseLinksController class is not working properly. I debugged the issues and it is a miracle that the LinkBrowser for the RTE works at all.
In TYPO3 7.5 configuring classes for links was still possible, now the link property for classes does not show up at all.
The class BrowseLinksController that inherits from AbstractLinkBrowserController does not load the configuration. The order is wrong (e.g. $this->RTEProperties is not set at all, should be $RTEsetup['properties'] in method initVariables()). The $this->currentLinkHandlerId is never set, therefor button classes configuration could not be found etc.
Proposal for solution
The RTE should not have link configurations on its own anyway. It always was very tedious to configure both link handler (for RTE and TCA Link Wizard). Now that we have the TCEMAIN.linkhandler configuration in PageTS, this should also be the place to configure link options (classes, target, etc.). Getting rid of the cryptic RTE configuration for links would simplify integration and the development of the LinkHandler classes. In the RTE no <a /> should be added, just TYPO3 <link /> tags that have a syntax that is consistent with typolink.
Updated by Andreas Allacher about 9 years ago
Added #71248 as related.
I don't think it is a duplicate as it is related to different properties but maybe the same solution works (not tested - maybe someone wants to test, if so this ticket could be added in Resolves list)
Regarding currentLinkHandlerId there is another property for that (displayLinkHandlerId) which should be used instead, see also attached patch for related ticket.
Updated by Eric Chavaillaz about 9 years ago
Updated by Stephan Brun about 9 years ago
targetSelector.disabled works with 7.6.1
Could not test the other two options.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 7 LTS to Candidate for patchlevel
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 8 years ago
These are my findings:
RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 1 WORKS
RTE.default.buttons.link.popupSelector.disabled = 1 DOES NOT WORK (tested with RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 0)
RTE.default.buttons.link.options.removeItems = folder WORKS
RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 1 WORKS
RTE.default.buttons.link.popupSelector.disabled = 1 DOES NOT WORK (tested with RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 0)
RTE.default.buttons.link.options.removeItems = folder WORKS
RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 1 WORKS
RTE.default.buttons.link.popupSelector.disabled = 1 DOES NOT WORK (tested with RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 0)
RTE.default.buttons.link.options.removeItems = folder WORKS
Updated by Benni Mack almost 6 years ago
- Related to Bug #71978: $RTEProperties is never initialized added
Updated by Benni Mack almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Does this also occur with CKeditor?
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 5 years ago
Hi Benni, I can answer you :)
Tried with latest 10.0.0-dev
RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 1
WORKSRTE.default.buttons.link.popupSelector.disabled = 1
DOES NOT WORK (tested with RTE.default.buttons.link.targetSelector.disabled = 0)RTE.default.buttons.link.options.removeItems = folder
I am not entirely sure that RTE.default.buttons.link.popupSelector.disabled = 1
is even present on TYPO3 versions 7.6.x or higher, maybe it has been removed?
Either I am looking at the wrong place, or the documentation here: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/rtehtmlarea/7.6/Configuration/PageTsconfig/interfaceConfiguration/Index.html does not mention it (It does on the documentation of version 6.2)
Updated by Susanne Moog almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
The one Riccardo mentioned as not working has been removed - see https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/master/en-us/Changelog/7.5/Important-69137-LinkWizardPopupWidthAndHeightFieldsRemoved.html - as the others now work, I'm closing this issue.