Bug #77235
closedCollision of page template partials having the same name as fluid_styled_content partials
FLUIDTEMPLATE partials which have the same filename as partials in typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Partials/ won't get rendered. TYPO3 tries to render the partial from fluid_styled_content instead.
Part of my setup looks like this:
page.10.partialRootPaths.10 = fileadmin/templates/Partials
In the folder "Partials" I have a file "Footer.html", containing a section "footer".
In my fluid template I want to render section "footer" from this partial:
<f:render partial="Footer" section="footer" />
This leads to an exception in the frontend: "Section 'footer' does not exist".
The reason is that TYPO3 tries to render the partial "typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Partials/Footer.html" which doesn't have the required section.
Changing my partial to a filename that doesn't exist in the fsc folder solves the problem, but that could lead to problems if an update of fluid_styled_content brings new files.