



Bug #92355


Routing always generates cHash if there are no aspects

Added by Dmitry Dulepov almost 4 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Should have
Link Handling, Site Handling & Routing
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If there are no aspects, routing will always generate cHash for urls even though all parameters are successfully mapped.

Configiuration example:

    type: Extbase
    extension: Journal
    plugin: ArticleDetail
      - {routePath: '/doi/{identifier}', _controller: 'Article::detail'}
      identifier: '[^/]+'
    defaultController: 'Article::detail'

Code that generates the link:

    <f:link.action action="detail" controller="Article" pluginName="ArticleDetail" extensionName="Journal" pageUid="{settings.params.detail}" arguments="{identifier:}">

The url will look something like This is not acceptable to the customer because in the existing TYPO3 v8 web site there were no cHash and having cHash in a newer TYPO3 version is seen as a disadvantage compared to previous TYPO3 versions.

I must tell that article identifiers are random strings, so none of stock aspects will work.

The only solution that I found is to create a dummy mapper:

class RemoveCHashAspect implements StaticMappableAspectInterface, \Countable
    public function generate(string $value): ?string
        return $value;

    public function resolve(string $value): ?string
        return $value;

    public function count()
        return 1;

and add it to the configuration:

        type: RemoveCHash

But this is an obvious step back from RealURL where such cases were handles smoothly since 2006. It looks strange to me that I need to create a whole class that does nothing just to get rid of cHash.

Please, fix this! cHash should not be appended when all parameters were successfully mapped to the url!

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Feature #93100: ExtbasePluginEnhancer produces unnecessary cHashUnder ReviewOliver Hader2020-12-17

Actions #1

Updated by Markus Klein almost 4 years ago

Correct. I recently had to implement a UidMapper, because I simply wanted the uid. (okay I could have used the PersistedPatternMapper, but this would really be overkill)

Actions #2

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 3 years ago

Any class that implements StaticMappableAspectInterface will help to get rid of cHash.

Simply implement this empty interface in your own classes and that's it.

Actions #3

Updated by Oliver Hader over 1 year ago

  • Related to Feature #93100: ExtbasePluginEnhancer produces unnecessary cHash added
Actions #4

Updated by Oliver Hader over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

There's no way the routing layer can infer what `{identifier}` is, whether only 10 values are allowed or a billion. In order to avoid cache poisoning, it is like that (and I guess still documented like that). Changing the behavior, means to make that explicit using a static mapper.

For upcoming version might simplify that.

Actions #5

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 1 year ago

Funny to see how old good realurl was able to do it for years and new shiny routing can't... Well, I guess this is how it is now.

Actions #6

Updated by Oliver Hader over 1 year ago

Dmitry Dulepov wrote in #note-5:

Funny to see how old good realurl was able to do it for years and new shiny routing can't... Well, I guess this is how it is now.

This is not helpful, and it is not true that this is not possible with the core routing - it just has to be explicit.

There have been so many issues with "good old RealURL" and cHash "handling" - URL params were stored in a big database table during generation, with that implication that those links did NOT work without cHash when a corresponding page has not been rendered before. As a consequence people used ?no_cache=1 (the famous /nc/ segment in RealURL) everywhere on these sites.

Actions #7

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 1 year ago

There have been so many issues with "good old RealURL" and cHash "handling" - URL params were stored in a big database table during generation, with that implication that those links did NOT work without cHash when a corresponding page has not been rendered before. As a consequence people used ?no_cache=1 (the famous /nc/ segment in RealURL) everywhere on these sites.

This all was true for RealURL 1.x but none of this is true for RealURL 2.x. It still stores urls in the database but it is far more compact and I believe it is better to cache them then resolve them each time. But opinions can vary, of course.

Actions #8

Updated by Oliver Hader over 1 year ago

What I observed in RealURL 2.x is the following - cHash stored in database, in a cache (which never must be cleared)

MariaDB [db]> SELECT * FROM tx_realurl_urldata WHERE uid=1867181\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
          page_id: 48
      rootpage_id: 1
     original_url: cHash=3cb40abf128b705d2737fb9db1a9a201&id=48&no_cache=1&tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[news]=1860
     speaking_url: nc/details/redacted-news-title/
request_variables: {"id":"48","no_cache":"1","tx_news_pi1[news]":"1860","tx_news_pi1[controller]":"News","tx_news_pi1[action]":"detail","cHash":"3cb40abf128b705d2737fb9db1a9a201"}
           expire: 0
original_url_hash: 426435945
speaking_url_hash: 3535921288

With TYPO3 v9 it is possible to omit the intermediate cache layer, however it has to be configured explicitly by using mappers that implement StaticMappableAspectInterface. That's it, being explicit about the application behavior.

Actions #9

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 1 year ago

What I observed in RealURL 2.x is the following - cHash stored in database, in a cache (which never must be cleared)

Yes, this is correct but it is only a part of the picture.

RealURL 1.x had a separate table for cHash and we observed it could grow to huge sizes (like 20Gb) and contain values completely unrelated to actual urls. There were also separate tables for encoding and decoding where URLs were duplicate and could also go out of sync.

RealURL 2.x had a different way. It stored complete URLs there in more compact format, without duplicates and it took care to clean up. There was also a version, which tried to resolve cHash if it was missing but this part was banned by the security team and crippled RealURL a lot.

What I am saying is: a new framework should definitely be better than the old framework. RealURL did not have any support from the core in its work, it was outside of the core. But it was fast at resolving URLs and it handled cHash automatically. Routing is deeply integrated into the core but cHash handling is not automatic. I see this as a step back that should be improved. This is why this ticket was created. Customers hate cHash. So I believe TYPO3 should handle it automatically without asking every dev to create explicit config to get rid of cHash. Is it not natural to want the new system be better than the previous one in all features?

Sorry if my expectations are not realistic.

Actions #10

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 1 year ago

Oliver Hader wrote in #note-8:

What I observed in RealURL 2.x is the following - cHash stored in database, in a cache (which never must be cleared)

And by the way, that configuration with `nc` was not needed and it is incorrect anyway. If people explicitly say "no_cache", it is not a fault of RealURL, it is a choice of a certain person and the person is responsible for this, not the code. Absolutely nothing stops you from doing the same useless thing with new routing.

I myself never used did not use `no_cache` in projects since 6.x. No idea why people do it. Everything works fine without it.

Actions #11

Updated by Oliver Hader over 1 year ago

This discussion is not taking us anywhere, I think we're done here. Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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