Bug #92355
closedRouting always generates cHash if there are no aspects
If there are no aspects, routing will always generate cHash for urls even though all parameters are successfully mapped.
Configiuration example:
ArticleDetail: type: Extbase extension: Journal plugin: ArticleDetail routes: - {routePath: '/doi/{identifier}', _controller: 'Article::detail'} requirements: identifier: '[^/]+' defaultController: 'Article::detail'
Code that generates the link:
<f:link.action action="detail" controller="Article" pluginName="ArticleDetail" extensionName="Journal" pageUid="{settings.params.detail}" arguments="{identifier: article.info.identifier}"> <h4>{article.title}</h4> </f:link.action>
The url will look something like https://xyz.ddev.site/de/detail/doi/oi9Ahcha?cHash=xxxxxxxx
This is not acceptable to the customer because in the existing TYPO3 v8 web site there were no cHash and having cHash in a newer TYPO3 version is seen as a disadvantage compared to previous TYPO3 versions.
I must tell that article identifiers are random strings, so none of stock aspects will work.
The only solution that I found is to create a dummy mapper:
class RemoveCHashAspect implements StaticMappableAspectInterface, \Countable { public function generate(string $value): ?string { return $value; } public function resolve(string $value): ?string { return $value; } public function count() { return 1; } }
and add it to the configuration:
aspects: identifier: type: RemoveCHash
But this is an obvious step back from RealURL where such cases were handles smoothly since 2006. It looks strange to me that I need to create a whole class that does nothing just to get rid of cHash.
Please, fix this! cHash should not be appended when all parameters were successfully mapped to the url!