



Bug #16908


htmlarea doesn't show up

Added by Andreas Balzer over 17 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

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I use T3 4.0.4 and have htmlarea 1.4.2 installed. In my settings 'use rte if available' option is enabled, but htmlarea does neither show up in IE 6, 7 nor in Fx 1, 2

Any ideas? Is this bug known and can it be fixed?

(issue imported from #M4870)

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #17136: htmlarea doesn't load with new Firefox Broens2007-03-21

Actions #1

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

Do you get any JavaScript errors?
What browser are you using?

Actions #2

Updated by Andreas Balzer over 17 years ago

i'm using Firefox 1.5, and Firefox 2 as well as IE 6 and IE7. Sometimes i'm using the original T3 skin, sometimes I use skin_grey. JavaScript is activated, there are no errors and no popups. However I see the standard textarea if htmlarea can't be loaded.. strange... isn't it?

Actions #3

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

Please check if the RTEhtmlarea is correctly installed and loaded in the Extension Manager. Additionally you can delete the cached files in ./typo3temp (./typo3temp/rtehtmlarea_*.*) - they should be recreated when the extension is used again.

Actions #4

Updated by Andreas Balzer over 17 years ago

installed and loaded. Temp files removed, caches cleared, problem still exists

Actions #5

Updated by Henning Pingel over 17 years ago

From time to time I have troubles with htmlarea 1.3.8 too in TYPO3 4.0.4 with Firefox 2.0. I also had problems with Internet Explorer 6 and htmlarea 1.2.1 on TYPO3 3.8.x. The problem is: It never stops to load. (No Javascript errors)

I found this discussion here, mabye it is helpful:

Joachim Streit says for him it was a router problem ("SYN Flood to Host") that could be solved through changing the router settings.

I can't confirm that but I find it interesting regarding this issue.

Best regards

Actions #6

Updated by Martin Joisten over 17 years ago

Hi Andreas,
I had the same problem starting from T3 4.1 onwards.

This fixed the problem:

I simply changed 7 instances of "new Array" to "new Object" in the "class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php" and the editor appeared again as wanted.

Before that Firebug reported an error with some "each" calls. Now Firebug is silent and htmlarea is up and running.

Hope that helps.


Actions #7

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

Martin, all the changes from "Array" to "Object" are part of TYPO3 4.1. So if you use TYPO3 4.1 please remove in the Extension Manager your local installation of RTEhtmlarea and use the system extension as it is.

Actions #8

Updated by Frans Lichtenauer over 17 years ago

Have you Skype and especially the Skype toolbar installed?

For removing Skype(toolbar plugin) restored the rtemtmlarea

Actions #9

Updated by Andreas Balzer over 17 years ago

I do have Skype installed on 2 computers. But on those the htmlarea works perfectly. On the other computers it doesn't.. (with 4.0.4)
I'm going to test it with 4.1 as soon, as RC 3 or final version comes out.

Actions #10

Updated by Erik Sokoll over 17 years ago

Don´t know if it helps but in my case I can reproduce this error.
As far as I get access to the BE via a subdomain (e.g. "http://admin.domain.tld"), the icons in the left column do not show up an RTE_htmlArea does not load.
If I login on the BE by "http://domain.tld/typo3/" everything works fine. ---> ???
In case somebody want´s to see it, drop me a line and I will create a BE account for you.

Actions #11

Updated by Iyas Hamadet over 17 years ago

I was having the same problem after I updated to 4.1 : htmlarea don't stop loading and never show up;

But in my case there was a js error : "uniq is not defined"

When I checked the rtehtmlarea in the "extension manager" and it was showing : A "System" extension with this key is also available on the server, but cannot be loaded because the "Local" version takes precedence.

The solution is to delete the htmlarea extension : go to the "extension manager", select htmlArea RTE (the type was in my case Local SL), choose "Backup/Delete" in the dropdown menu then delete completly from the server. You'll notice probably that htmlArea RTE is still there but the version and type changed and you can reinstall it again.

Maybe that'll save someone from troubles

Actions #12

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 17 years ago

Error message that I see in FF WebDeveloper plugin:

each is not defined
HTMLArea("each", [])rtehtmlarea_htmla... (line 1)
HTMLArea()rtehtmlarea_htmla... (line 1)

It all goes to one-line long code that starts from:

but there is no "each" in that code.

I have to go back to 4.0.4 for all clients because this error is reproducable for all of them :(

Actions #13

Updated by Frans Lichtenauer over 17 years ago

rtehtml 1.4.3 is installed as a Local extension.
After upgrading from 4.05 to 4.1 rtehtml reports the following error:

ERROR [HTMLArea::registerPlugin]: Can't register undefined plugin.

The loading of the editor hangs for ever like in the other reports. Deleting the "Local" version and upgrading the "Sys" version to 1.4.3 did not solve my problem.

When I applied the following:

Changeset 5716
Timestamp: 11/06/06 13:30:42
Author: ohader
Message: experimental bugfix: RTEhtmlarea conflicts with prototype JavaScript? framework

and changed as indicated "Array" -> "Object" the editor loaded again

Actions #14

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

@Frans: Please don't patch a local installation of the RTEhtmlarea. TYPO3 4.1 comes with the latest built of RTEhtmlarea as system extension. Please use that one. Possibly it's necessary to remove the cached files of this extension by removing the files rtehtmlarea_*.js from the typo3temp directory.

Actions #15

Updated by Carlos A over 17 years ago

Oliver said:
"Martin, all the changes from "Array" to "Object" are part of TYPO3 4.1. So if you use TYPO3 4.1 please remove in the Extension Manager your local installation of RTEhtmlarea and use the system extension as it is."
This was the solution for me! Had an older version at local scope.

Thanks Oliver.

Actions #16

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 17 years ago

Still does not work. There were no local version installed. It just does not show up. FF says that "editor" JS property is undefined... Interestingly, other site on the same server with the same core (through symlink) works fine.

Actions #17

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

I can confirm Dmitry's problem for Firefox The "nice" thing, with Firefox, the was no error and after upgrading to Firefox the error occurs.
It seems to be related to events, references to JavaScript objects and modifications of object members during runtime.
Furthermore, I tried to change parts of the output of class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php to JSON ("RTEarea = [ 0: { ... }, 1: { ... } ];") which solved parts of the problem. And furthermore I tried to get rid of the references to objects during anonymous event calls (e.g. setTimeout, setInterval, on[Something]) and could also solve parts of the problem.
But unfortunately I was not able to fix it completely for FF today.

However, the misbehaviour was introduced by updating from FF to We can tell FF-devs of the problem and wait, or try to solve it on our own...

Actions #18

Updated by Peter Niederlag over 17 years ago

Starting today FF is updated to and all users seems to run into this problem so we need to find a fix pretty soon.

This is what I get in firebug/console
(TYPO3 4.0.5 / FF

editor has no properties
generatePlugins(1)rtehtmlarea_htmla... (line 1069)
[Break on this error] editor._hasPluginWithOnKeyPressHandler = false;

these are the corresponding lines of JS:

1065 HTMLArea.generatePlugins = function(editorNumber) {
1066 var editor = RTEarea[editorNumber]["editor"];
1067 // check if any plugins have registered generate handlers
1068 // check also if any plugin has a onKeyPress handler
1069 editor._hasPluginWithOnKeyPressHandler = false;

However unfortunatly I am not the JS-Guru to tell what is really going wrong. :-<

IMPORTANT @all review:
If you work on this issues: Please go tht the EM and disable the use of compresse JS-Scripts in rtehtmlarea.

Actions #19

Updated by Christian Hernmarck over 17 years ago

@Oliver & Peter:
don't mix this bug with Bug #0005266 - FF stopps some version of rtehtmlarea from working. I remember a similar problem with FF


Actions #20

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 17 years ago

Peter & others: yes, we found the same two days ago but there is no luck yet fixing it. We think it is FF issue.

<offtopic>And again I think we made a wromg choice when decided to use HTMLArea in typo3. TinyMCE works in FF 2.0.03 without problems, loads faster and never caused as much pane as htmlarea</offtopic>

Actions #21

Updated by Patrick Broens over 17 years ago

Can somebody verify that it happens not all the times?

Actions #22

Updated by Gregor Agnes over 17 years ago

Yes I can confirm.

I was testing RTE on some IRRE child and parent elements and discovered a strange behavior:

One RTE didn't load at all. One RTE did load but I couldn't edit anything. And the last one loaded and was editable.

Actions #23

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 17 years ago

It happens all the time on

Actions #24

Updated by Patrick Broens over 17 years ago

I've tracked it down to window.setTimeout in HTMLArea.prototype.stylesLoaded. Sometimes it happens when calling the first one, other times the third and sometimes never.

More follows

Actions #25

Updated by Tobias Erlacher over 17 years ago

Hi all,

The error is there because the browser detection of rtehtmlarea does not work right in this case.
On the firefox developers showed that by changing the browser identification it can be fixed.
the problem lies in rtehtmlarea.js in line 85:
HTMLArea.is_wamcom = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("wamcom") != -1) || (HTMLArea.is_gecko && (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("1.3") != -1));

here the index of 1.3 is true because of "rv:".

a quick fix is changing the line to
HTMLArea.is_wamcom = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("wamcom") != -1) || (HTMLArea.is_gecko && ((HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("1.3") != -1)&&(HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("") == -1)));

tobias erlacher

Actions #26

Updated by Peter Foerger over 17 years ago

tobi's patch works fine here. OS X 10.4.9, FF

Actions #27

Updated by Patrick Broens over 17 years ago

I've found the same solution as Tobias, but done it a bit different.

HTMLArea.is_wamcom = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("wamcom") != -1) || (HTMLArea.is_gecko && HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("1.3") != -1 && HTMLArea.agt.indexOf(".1.3") == -1);

This way it doesn't have problems in the future when FF gets revision number

See also bug 5266 which is related to this one and has the patch file.

Changing the status of this bug to resolved

Actions #28

Updated by Andreas Balzer over 17 years ago

hm.. i used the diff, removed all rtehtmlarea temp files cleared all caches and restarted my firefox browser.. the result... nothing changed. It still does not appear but load all the time..

Any idea?

Actions #29

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

@Andreas Otto †: Just for testing, please disable the compressed scripts for RTEhtmloarea at the Extension Manager. Do/did you get any JavaScript errors?

Actions #30

Updated by Andreas Balzer over 17 years ago

Hi Oliver!
I'm so sorry, i didn't realize that there was a local install left by T3 4.0.5.. :-/
I'm so stupid..
Please close this bug report.. Patch works.


Actions #31

Updated by Oliver Hader over 17 years ago

This issue is being closed. If you experience further problems, please go to bug-id #5266 and post your note there.


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