Bug #23736
closedCondition with globalVar TSFE does not care about page language overlay
Image you have an additional field (in my case a checkbox) within the pages table, named tx_ext_field.
This is a page language overlay field (and defined so in the localconf.php), so you can enter different values for the page and the translation - which works perfect in the backend form (and database table as well of course).
If you now want to create a condition like:
[globalVar = TSFE:page|tx_ext_field = 1]
It fires ONLY if the value is entered in the page properties of the default language and doesn't care about the setting in the language overlay record.
In the same script the following line gives the correct value back:
something.data = TSFE:page|tx_ext_field
So I think that the TSFE calculation within the condition doesn't take account of the page language overlay while the stdWrap property "data" does as expected.
(issue imported from #M15999)