Bug #73545
openTranslation Meta Data in FAL
You upload a picture in FAL. You did'nt edit the meta data. But you will find the translation button(s) for the given languages (en, fr and so on). If you click the button "translate meta data", all other language buttons will be removed, except the translate (world) button. If you click the button again, all flag symbols will be shown again.
Now you can click at one of the symbols for a language or at the world symbol and you can translate.
But imho TRANSLATION needs a given language (Mathias, we talked about it some years ago).
However: The tooltipps for the symbols are different:
World: translate metadata
English Flag: edit metadata for English
French flag: create metadata for francais
Please note: the uploaded pic has no metadata at all.
So nothing can be translated.
The difference between en and fr may be the following:
en is used / fr is installed.