Why you want to handle it and waste processing power in serverside when clientside can handle it very well??
I will only use that function for non-HTML output.
I agree, I am too lazy.
Most of the mod using strtoupper to display a BOLD header.
But, all of them are not i18n yet. The text are hard coded in php. I think it is another bug, I don't list them here.
After my search, class.tx_cms_layout.php should be the only mod do strtoupper() on a text extract from locallang.
1441: <td class="bgColor2" nowrap="nowrap"><img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="2" alt="" /><br /><div align="center"><b>'.htmlspecialchars(strtoupper($colName)).'</b></div><img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="2" alt="" /></td>
2026: if ($config) $lines[$fname].='<strong>'.strtoupper(htmlspecialchars($config)).'</strong><br />';
123: $Plain_content.= strtoupper($key).': '.$space.$val."\n".$space;
case 'upper':
$value = strtoupper($value);
- $value = strtr($value, '���������������', '���������������'); // WILL make trouble with other charsets than ISO-8859-1, so what do we do here? PHP-function which can handle this for other charsets? Currently the browsers JavaScript will fix it.
case 'lower':
$value = strtolower($value);
- $value = strtr($value, '���������������', '���������������'); // WILL make trouble with other charsets than ISO-8859-1, so what do we do here? PHP-function which can handle this for other charsets? Currently the browsers JavaScript will fix it.
582: $formatedAddress = str_replace('%countryName', strtoupper($countryName), $formatedAddress);
122: $markersArray["###SUBJECT###"] = strtoupper($this->newData["tt_board"]["NEW"][subject]);