Bug #24453
closedshowpic.php causes a fatal error if parameters GET variable is not an array
After upgrading to TYPO3 version 4.3.9, the URL to the showpic functionality changed (see #24140). Since search engines still may have this old URLs in the index, the call to this URL will lead to a fatal PHP error, since the parameters GET variable is not used there.
Check if the parameters are transmitted and an array.
For trunk it would be a further improvement to replace the die() calls with an exception. For this to work properly the error handler must be initialized. The advantage in doing so is a nicer error message and a 500 http header beeing sent forcing the search engines to (hopefully) not index this URL
For 4.4 I also removed the unnecessary use of the encryption key, which was also introduced in #24140 This will of course also change the hash of the showpic functionality, but using the encryption key there is misleading, so I would change it nevertheless.
(issue imported from #M16891)
Updated by Oliver Hader about 14 years ago
But then this issue affects TYPO3 4.3.10, correct?
Updated by Stefano Kowalke about 14 years ago
I got also an error with showpic is involved:
Core: Error handler (FE): PHP Warning: implode() [<a href='function.implode'>function.implode</a>]: Argument must be an array in /home/.../typo3_src-4.4.6/typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/showpic.php line 152
Its just a warning I found in "Admin Tools->Log" in 4.4.6
Updated by Philipp Idler about 14 years ago
This warning overfloods my error log too -> 4.4.6
Hope there will be a workaround soon
Updated by Joerg Kummer about 14 years ago
Same Warnings in "Admin Tools->Log" since v4.4.5/6
Only for FE.
All is working fine (Scaling, effects, etc. both in FE & BE). Can't really reproduce it self.
A search in access-log resumes, that only web-robots produce this error, while GET with missing params like '¶meters[n]'. Seems that bot's get links by JS openPic with oldWay style-parameters (&width=..&height=..&bodyTag=), wich doesnt worx, since showpic.php need commited md5-parameters for styling.
Updated by Steffen Ritter almost 14 years ago
committed v2
trunk, in rev. 10531
TYPO3_4-5 in rev. 10530
TYPO3_4-4 in rev. 10532
Updated by Felix Nagel over 13 years ago
This still floods my sys log in TYPO3 4.5.3. Any suggestions?
Updated by Felix Nagel over 13 years ago
I was able to get rid of this problem by adding this to my htaccess:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} eID=tx_cms_showpic RewriteRule ^ %{REQUEST_URI}? [R=301]
Updated by Dietmar von Schuetz about 13 years ago
The RewriteCond in htaccess lead to disabling the clickenlarge-Feature for pictures in the text, which I need.
The problem still persists in Typo3 4.5.8.
Therefore I had another try with robots.txt:
User-agent: * Disallow: /typo3/ Disallow: /showpic.php
There are some people working on this problem and sharing experiences in a German forum: http://www.typo3forum.net/forum/typo3-4-x-installation-updates/53163-core-exception-handler-web-showpic-php-line-173-a.html
Updated by Sybille Peters almost 13 years ago
I think it would be better if this error returned a 404 HTTP status code, as described here: http://www.typo3-nürnberg.de/typo/konfiguration/fehlerseite/ (page in German, see "Fehler und cms_showpic")
Returning 500 will cause the search engines to assume, that it is a temporary server error.
404 is more clear: the page for this URL was not found / does not exist.
Adding showpic.php to robots.txt will cause the pages to no longer being crawled, but will not necessarily remove it from the index (documentation is a little unclear here, search engines may behave differently).
Updated by Albrecht Köhnlein over 12 years ago
In my opinion, a Oops, a 404 HTTP status code would be much better than 500. Because it's not a server error, but the URL is malformed and will never return a valid result. So it's a 404.
Updated by Helmut Hummel over 12 years ago
- Category deleted (
Communication) - Target version deleted (
Albrecht Koehnlein wrote:
In my opinion, a Oops, a 404 HTTP status code would be much better than 500. Because it's not a server error, but the URL is malformed and will never return a valid result. So it's a 404.
A solution to that has been merged in all branches until 4.5