Bug #39798
Story #82206: list module enhancements/bugfixes
Language and colpos changes on re-ordering of Content Elements
Added by Mario Rimann over 12 years ago.
Updated almost 5 years ago.
DataHandler aka TCEmain
If content elements on a page are moved up and down in the order, they get the sys_language_uid assigned of the record that they jumped over.
Steps to reproduce:¶
- go to the list module (extended view + localization view active)
- create a page
- add a content element, name it "foo" and assign it the language "all languages"
- add a second content element, name it "bar" and leave it on language "default"
The list now looks like this:
- foo - all languages
- bar - default
Now click the arrow down, to move "foo" down after "bar". Expected result is that only the order changes. But now, the order changes AND the language "default" will also be set for "bar", resulting in the following list:
- foo - default
- bar - default
- Disabling the Localization View has no effect -> bug is reproducable independent of that checkbox
- Same mistake happens in the Page Module
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Thanks for the report, Mario. Can you reproduce this with older TYPO3 versions?
Steffen Gebert wrote:
Can you reproduce this with older TYPO3 versions?
I did not explicitely test it today in older versions, but my colleague who found this issue in a customer project is working in a 4.5.x environment - so I'm pretty sure it's also reproducable in 4.5.x and up to master (tested with a 6.0-dev today).
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Can you please check whether there is a hook registered for:
You can use the Configuration module in the BE for checking that.
Markus Klein wrote:
Can you please check whether there is a hook registered for:
On the installation where this was reported, the "multicolumn" extension is installed, which adds itself to exactly this hook. So I went to test it on another 4.5.x based setup, where multicolumn is not installed. So the only thing that is hooked into the mentioned hook (in both installations) is:
The issue is reproducable also in this setup with only this hook in place.
I just tried to reproduce this as an editor user on a TYPO3 v6.1.5 installation -> error appears also in this situation.
- Category set to Backend API
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Priority changed from Should have to Must have
- Target version set to next-patchlevel
- Complexity set to hard
- Is Regression set to No
I can reproduce this on current master (6.2) too. Strangely this only happens when moving things "down"!
- Target version changed from next-patchlevel to 7.4 (Backend)
- Target version changed from 7.4 (Backend) to 7.5
- Target version changed from 7.5 to 7 LTS
- Category changed from Backend API to DataHandler aka TCEmain
- Target version deleted (
7 LTS)
- Subject changed from Language changes on re-ordering of Content Elements to Language and colpos changes on re-ordering of Content Elements
- Target version set to Candidate for patchlevel
- Complexity changed from hard to medium
Can be reproduced in all versions independent of any third party extension.
The problem is that \TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler::fixCopyAfterDuplFields() being called on a move command.
Specifically, when you have a CE list like that (list module):
- Title1 (colPos = 0)
- Title2 (colPos = 2)
- Title3 (colPos = 2)
If one clicks the up-button to move Title3 before Title2, the colPos AND sys_language_uid of Title3 is being set to zero.
=> Hence, it shows up below Title1, but in the wrong column
- Related to Bug #14873: CE jumps from right to normal when moved in list mode added
- Parent task set to #82206
- Related to Bug #72988: losing Localization when moving elements (Typo 7.6.2) added
- Related to Bug #59901: Move records in list module kills sys_language_uid added
- Status changed from Accepted to Under Review
- Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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