Bug #79934
closedLocalized one/many to many not mapped correctly
We've experienced issues when defining a reference like a file reference with \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::getFileFieldTCAConfig() in TCA and translating the record in the TYPO3 list Module.
This is not limited to file references, it also affects any field defined with type inline and [behaviour][localizationMode] = 'select'.
Steps to reproduce:
- Define a domain model with a file reference.
- Create a page with multiple languages
- Create a record for your domain model in the TYPO3 list module
- Translate this record to another language
- In the translation record change the file reference to another file
Actual behavior:
In backend everything looks file the Default language of the record has file A and the translation record has file B.
In the frontend however, the record itself seems to be translated when switching languages, but always references file A.
Expected behavior:
The translated record should have a reference to file B in frontend.
I have implemented a fix and will push it to gerrit.