Bug #20598
closedError after hide/show element
This is my error :
1: Could not be edited in offline workspace in the branch where found (failure state: 'Online record was not in versionized branch!'). Auto-creation of version not allowed in workspace!
when I use hide/show button in list mode.
The first time is correct, but error appear after other click on this button.
Can you patch it ?
sorry for my bad english ;)
(issue imported from #M11303)
Updated by Julia Pardanaud about 15 years ago
When you use hide/unhide button on a versionized record, it's like if TYPO3 tries to change the LIVE version instead : it's the uid of the LIVE version which is sent.
I propose this patch which change this id when it's necessary (version 4.3).
Instead of changing class.db_list_extra.inc, we could try to change class.t3lib_tcemain.php. What is the best solution ?
sorry for my bad english too ;)
Updated by Robert Heel almost 15 years ago
This issue affects the info, move up/down, hide, delete and cut buttons ...
Only on the create translation flags it's correct to use the original id.
Updated by Robert Heel almost 15 years ago
Seems to be intentional that move and cut creates a new type of version element.
Added a easier patch 0011303_hide_show.diff
Updated by Benni Mack over 14 years ago
Please check if this issue still exists with trunk or 4.4.2, should be fixed since 4.4.1.
Updated by Robert Heel over 14 years ago
Didn't work with 4.4.2. When clicking two times on the show/hide button in workspace list view, this error message appears:
1: [newlog()] Could not be edited in offline workspace in the branch where found (failure state: 'Online record was not in versionized branch!'). Auto-creation of version not allowed in workspace!
Updated by Simon Schaufelberger almost 14 years ago
still happens in 4.4.6 with templavoila and the light bulb. with the context menu it works
Updated by Francois Suter almost 14 years ago
Indeed the bug still exists across all branches and trunk.
For TemplaVoilà, I reported the issue as a separate bug report.
Updated by Sonja Schubert almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version deleted (
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 14 years ago
Since currently only element versioning is supported, this issues was set to be closed
Updated by Robert Heel almost 14 years ago
Issue still exists in 4.5.2 - Why closed?
Updated by Maximilian Schmid over 13 years ago
Issue still exists in 4.5.3 - 0011303_hide_show.diff solves this issue. Please include it in the next release (4.5.4)!
Updated by Tobias Liebig over 13 years ago
Can confirm, the issue still exists in 4.5.2.
I'll test the patch
Updated by Oliver Tempel over 13 years ago
Can confirm, too. Version 4.5.2 is still buggy.
No autopatch.
Used diff 4.4.4 to patch manually.
Added line @ 1138 $ver_uid=$row['_ORIG_uid'] ? $row['_ORIG_uid'] : $row['uid'];
Changed line @1274 $params='&data['.$table.']['.$ver_uid.']['.$hiddenField.']=0';
Changed line @1281 $params='&data['.$table.']['.$ver_uid.']['.$hiddenField.']=1';
What about up/down patch, or the other $row['uid'] in these function ?
Updated by Michael McManus over 13 years ago
Oliver Hader wrote:
Since currently only element versioning is supported, this issues was set to be closed
Hi Oliver,
Thanks for your feedback here and your work on the project, in general. I'm having a hard time understanding why this bug is no longer open, based your explanation re: element versioning. How is it that the Show/Hide icon in the element context menu is tied to the proper versioned uid, but not with the icon that appears in the list?
Updated by Tolleiv Nietsch over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Accepted
Agree - still valid
Updated by Mr. Hudson over 13 years ago
Patch set 1 of change I43ceaf2443dff7c3d666811726353f3b17b81182 has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/5633
Updated by Mr. Hudson over 13 years ago
Patch set 2 of change I43ceaf2443dff7c3d666811726353f3b17b81182 has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/5633
Updated by Simon Schaufelberger over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset af755f8fac759541abc359dcb859534b46bd6736.
Updated by Bart Dubelaar about 13 years ago
I am still experiencing this bug in 4.5.8. At least hiding and unhiding a page will throw this error, and moving a content element to the top position on a page will throw this error too. Is the merged patch already in 4.5.8 or is the target 4.5.9?
Updated by Bart Dubelaar about 13 years ago
Ok, this patch is merged in 4.5.8 but the issue is not resolved. Please reopen this ticket.
Updated by Bart Dubelaar about 13 years ago
I am currently working on improvement of the patch on class.db_list_extra.inc. However, I think that the current approach is only fixing the symptoms and not the cause.
The actual cause is in the process_datamap function of class.t3lib_tcemain.php. This function should detect if there is an existing version available in the current workspace, which it currently does not.
The process_cmdmap function does detect this. This discrepancy becomes very clear now that I am also trying to fix repositioning of an element. This action needs a cmdmap and a datamap (for the colpos) where the cmdmap takes the live id and the datamap takes the versioned id...
I can finish the patches that fix the symptoms, however I would like to have some advice on tackling the cause in tcemain. I can also work on a patch for tcemain, but this is at bit trickier and I don't know if my analysis of the problem is 100% correct.
Updated by Michael Stucki about 11 years ago
- Project changed from 624 to TYPO3 Core
- Category changed from Workspaces to Workspaces