Bug #21983
closedThumbnail generation broken for PDF files
Due the patch with report 0012341, the generation of thumbnails for PDF files does not work anymore. The problem is the missing frame parameter in the GraphicsMagick call.
The following line was added in the function imageMagickExec ( t3lib/class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php):
$frame = $frame ? '['.intval($frame).']' : '';
This means the frame parameter will not be added, if the frame number is 0 or empty. This is a problem for PDF files, causing GraphicsMagick to hang and creating an image for each page of the PDF.
In previous version, the frame parameter was alyway added to the GM command, even for normal images. So a fix for this problem, could be changing the line to:
$frame = '['.intval($frame).']';
Problem occurs in 4.3.1 as well.
(issue imported from #M13283)