Bug #62400
closedLot of entries in sys_file_processed with name=NULL and identifier empty
We have a fairly large site with an enormous amount of entries in sys_file_processed that have name = NULL, identifier = ''. A substantional subset of those has configuration = a:9:{s:5:"width";N;s:6:"height";N;s:13:"fileExtension";N;s:8:"maxWidth";i:0;s:9:"maxHeight";i:0;s:8:"minWidth";i:0;s:9:"minHeight";i:0;s:7:"noScale";N;s:20:"additionalParameters";N;}
A related issue can be found here: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/50392#note-15
This leads to all kinds of problems, for example images not being displayed in the FE according to dimensions specified in a content element, but in the original size (no processed file is being generated). If the entry in sys_file_processed in manually removed and the FE page reloaded, the image is correctly displayed.
It also breaks the 'replace image' in Media (current 0.6.0-dev from the repo): as soon as a FE page is generated with an image a correct entry is added to sys_file_processed, but also an extra entry with name = NULL and configuration = a:9:{s:5:"width";N;s:6:"height";N;s:13:"fileExtension";N;s:8:"maxWidth";i:0;s:9:"maxHeight";i:0;s:8:"minWidth";i:0;s:9:"minHeight";i:0;s:7:"noScale";N;s:20:"additionalParameters";N;}
If you then use 'replace image' through Media on that image, the new image is not handled correctly: you don't get a new thumb and no output on FE. This can be traced back to the function flushProcessedFiles in media/Classes/Cache/CacheService.php which deletes old processed files. Because the entry with name=NULL exists, the newly uploaded (original, not processed) file is immediately deleted again. Just using 'replace image' again and again (without generating the FE page) works fine.
Changing $processedFile->delete(TRUE) to $processedFile->delete(FALSE) in that same function 'fixes' the problem, but I presume these NULL entries shouldn't be generated in the first place?
Anyone have an idea why these entries are generated?