Feature #71831
no posterimage for videos
Added by Bernd Wilke about 9 years ago.
Updated 8 months ago.
Fluid Styled Content
the new 'text & media' element has no possibility to render a posterimage for videos.
before FSC there was at least the possibility to have an image with the same name as the video in the same folder to get an automatic poster image.
nice to have:
link the posterimage in the file properties.
- Assignee deleted (
Benni Mack)
- Target version changed from 7 LTS to Candidate for Major Version
What does that mean "Candidate for Major Version"? Version 8?
@Johannes: It is supported by the old mediace extension, which was extraced from the Core. You may still use this extension of course.
In general we need a solution for assigning a preview image for any kind of file, where the system is not capable of generating one.
In addition to that we need some generic mechanics how those preview images are created. While a simple file upload of a prerendered image from the desktop is sufficient for many file types, it might be handy to offer a preview image selector for videos based on a frame number (leveraging some video library like ffmpeg for that).
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
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