Feature #86496
closedWhen changing an url-segment / a parent-slug allow to update slug of subpages
When updating an url-segment from "/parent-page/" to "/some-other-name/" the slug of subpages should update as well. Otherwise this would result in sub-pages still with old slug-names. When updating the url-segment of a page with a lot of subpages it's not really feasible to tell the editor to open each and every page to regenerate all slugs.
When updating the slugs consider creating redirects (which is a separate feature-request).
Updated by Stefan Neufeind over 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #86495: When changing a slug allow to auto-create redirects from old URLs added
Updated by Georg Ringer about 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #86937: Missing feature to update all sub-pages URL-Segment or the some section in the tree of pages added
Updated by taywa gmbh about 6 years ago
- Priority changed from Should have to Must have
My editors often copy part of the page with many subpages, (to create pages of recurring page structure). I think this trick is quite often used on large pages. So this is a must have.
Updated by Wolfgang Twaroch about 6 years ago
Want to paste a related comment / description from Matthias Schreiber:
So here's what will happen: Once you rename the page, TYPO3 will ask the user what to do with subsequent changes. In your case this is either: keep slug as is (take the behavior you described) change this slug (and child slugs, take SEO penalty) change slug, create redirects
Reference: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/85997#note-2
Updated by Wolfgang Twaroch over 5 years ago
a solution can be found in https://github.com/wazum/sluggi ... actually dev_master, but will be happy to get reviews :-)
Thanks to Wolfgang Klinger!
Updated by Georg Ringer almost 5 years ago
- File Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-17 um 15.07.25.png Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-17 um 15.07.25.png added
- Status changed from New to Closed
as said, there is sluggi which is in the meantime also in TER and this has been implemented in 10, see screenshot.