Feature #79430
closedMake pagination possible without Extbase environment
I am using the DataProcessor to get records from the database and I want to paginate them.
As there is an array it works for the first page, but all other pages don't work due to the wrong parameter given for the page number.
In Extbase extensions there is the parameter tx_myplugin_mycontroller[@widget][currentPage]
When using the array from the DataProcessor I get tx__[@widget][currentPage]
It would be cool to set the parameter manually by configuration in the f:widget.paginate
ViewHelper, so I can use it for non-Extbase environments as well.
Updated by Thomas Löffler almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Make pagination possible without Extbase stuff to Make pagination possible without Extbase environment
Updated by Gerrit Code Review almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Under Review
Patch set 4 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at https://review.typo3.org/51376
Updated by Thomas Löffler almost 8 years ago
- File just_news_0.0.7.zip just_news_0.0.7.zip added
I've attached my extension with a pagebrowser.
1) Install the extension
2) Include static template
3) Create a sysfolder and as subpages multiple news pages
4) Create a news_list content element
5) The pagebrowser actually shows maximum 3 items
Imho the patch of https://review.typo3.org/51376 does not contain any changes which touches this issue.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 8 LTS to 9.0
Updated by Claus Due over 7 years ago
Imho the patch of https://review.typo3.org/51376 does not contain any changes which touches this issue.
It does that by providing iterator viewhelpers capable of returning the slice/next/prev/current/max etc. values that you need when you're creating links that contain for example a page number and number of items per page. With those two values the rest can be calculated with the ViewHelpers that would be added by the patch in question.
Updated by Sebastian Helzle over 7 years ago
We had the same problem with 8.7 LTS and dataprocessors.
I found a way around it by passing values to the extbase subproperties of the FluidTemplate object.
extbase {
pluginName = Demo
controllerName = Demo
controllerExtensionName = website
controllerActionName = show
Then it works perfectly fine. Also adding a rule for realurl based on those values works without a problem.
So apparently there is no need for an actual Environment there.
If we find any issues with this solution in our project I will post it.
Updated by Susanne Moog almost 7 years ago
- Target version changed from 9.0 to 9.2
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 6 years ago
- Related to Bug #79922: fluid widget paginate - pagination links take no action added
Updated by Susanne Moog over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 9.2 to Candidate for Major Version
Updated by Klaus Weidenbach over 6 years ago
Tried to add pagination to a default File Lists content element in TYPO3 9.1 which uses a FilesProcessor. I have customised the Uploads.html template from fluid_styled_content to include f:widget.paginate and the first paginated page is displayed correctly, but all other paginated pages do not work. I realised the same behaviour as described in this issue.
The workaround from comment 6 does help, but is not so obvious I think.
Updated by Gone With the Wind over 6 years ago
Sebastian Helzle wrote:
We had the same problem with 8.7 LTS and dataprocessors.
I found a way around it by passing values to the extbase subproperties of the FluidTemplate object.
extbase {
pluginName = Demo
controllerName = Demo
controllerExtensionName = website
controllerActionName = show
Sebastian: could you share a bit more code for those, who are not so experienced? Where exactly do you add that code? What if my extension has 10 plugins or so? What to do then?
Thank you!
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Under Review to New
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #79403: Add library of universal, general-purpose ViewHelpers into f: namespace added
Updated by Thomas Löffler about 5 years ago
It's working with Sebastians approach: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/79430#note-6
A working example can be seen here: https://git.spooner.io/spooner/just_news/blob/development/1.x/Configuration/TypoScript/RenderingDefinitions/NewsList.typoscript#L4
From my point of view this ticket can be closed.
Updated by Jonas Eberle over 4 years ago
FLUIDTEMPLATE could use a generated string (e.g. from current content element ID) as a default if these values are not set.
That would make f:paginate work out of the box.
I am ready to have a go at that.
As the docs for the ViewHelper are not mentioning that right now, I see that as a BUG, not a FEATURE.
Updated by Grégory Duchesnes over 4 years ago
Definitely a BUG since this VH can not be used in the most basic use case :
page = PAGE
page {
templateName = Mypage
Where Mypage.html contains for exemple
<f:widget.paginate objects="{myBlogPages}" as="paginatedBlogs" configuration="{itemsPerPage:6}">
<f:for each="{paginatedBlogs}" as="pageRecord" iteration="i">
BTW : Sebastian's hack only work if you add this to your ext_localconf.php as well :
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( 'just_news', 'NewsList', [ 'JustNews' => 'list' ] );