Bug #65863
closedTask #79241: Streamline usage of l10n_mode
content_fallback / mergeIfNotblank fails with content slide, pageOverlayFields is ignored
I try to output every image referenced in page.media - if a page is translated and there are no images present in "media" i'd expect it to grab the content from the default language. This works perfectly fine for any other field and worked perfectly fine in TYPO3 4.5 LTS but seems to be broken in 6.2 LTS
Those 2 solutions put me closest to what i want to achieve.
Steps to reproduce:
1) put $GLOBALS['TCA']['pages_language_overlay']['columns']['media']['l10n_mode'] = 'mergeIfNotBlank';
in your extTables.php
2) Create a page (a) with some Images in media
3) Create a translation of this page without setting any images
4) Create a subpage (b) of this page without images
5) Create a translation of this subpage without any images
6) output the image
MEDIA = FILES MEDIA { references { table = pages uid.data = leveluid:-1, slide fieldName = media } begin = 0 renderObj = COA renderObj { 10 = IMAGE 10 { file { import.data = file:current:uid treatIdAsReference = 1 } } } }
6) Request Page b in default and translation
This works fine as expected, both show the images form page a
7) add an image to page b without translating it
The image is not on page b either in default nor in translation
Replace the code with this one (this is the solution provided in the wiki http://wiki.typo3.org/File_Abstraction_Layer#How_to_use_.22levelmedia.22_with_6.x_.3F)
MEDIA = FILES MEDIA { references { data = levelmedia:-1, slide } ... }
Now on both pages a and b the images are shown in default language but in the translation they are not shown on either page.