Bug #80632
Story #69617: FormEngine bugs
still issues with missing input in BE
Added by Anja Leichsenring almost 8 years ago.
Updated over 7 years ago.
FormEngine aka TCEforms
Sprint Focus:
Stabilization Sprint
filling in all kind of FormEngine provided forms in BE ends up with empty fields after saving.
experienced with:
- sys_file_storage, the required fields are empty again after saving.
- sys_language, also the required field.
- pages: a not required field was missing after an edit action.
No JS output in console, no hint I could provide.
This happens on latest master, commit is
9d5dfbb (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD, composer/master) [TASK] Show disabled state for navigation component toggle if not available.
This happens if the cursor is still in a field when pressing a save button, so no blur event was emitted for that field.
- Is Regression changed from No to Yes
- Sprint Focus set to Stabilization Sprint
Probably related:
The same happens for all kind of input fields, the header field in a content element for example.
From what I see there is a hidden input field for each "visible" input field.
The blur event should update the value of the hidden field and that doesn't always happen and after saving the input is lost.
Sometimes it works, sometimes not and I was not yet able to reproduce it.
Seams like this does not only occur within in Chrome according a thread in the german TYPO3 facebook channel
- Priority changed from Should have to Must have
Following scenario is also pops up: Editiing sys_categories record > Clearing "Single-view page for news from this category" field (which is added by ext:news) > Title Input is then cleared AND validation fails
Also when I just paste text from clipboard into input and submit via mouse "Save and Exit" (without clicking on an empty formEngine area) (Race condition)
- Related to Bug #80366: Values aren't always saved in the TYPO3 backend added
- Related to Bug #80672: Saving problems in Chrome 57+ added
- Related to Bug #80884: FAL metadata has to save multiple times before it's go to the database added
- Category set to FormEngine aka TCEforms
- Parent task set to #69617
- Related to Bug #80481: FormEngine.Validation may access DOM too early added
- Related to Bug #80633: Sending empty forms in some cases added
- Status changed from New to Closed
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