Bug #46020
closedImage size is 0 when not scaled
When a "Text & Images"-element with an unscaled image is rendered, then the width and height attributes are "0":
<img src="fileadmin/_migrated/pics/gold250.png" width="0" height="0" border="0" alt="" />
If the image is manipulated in any way (width, height, quality...) then the dimensions are generated correct.
Additional infos:
- installed version 6.0.2
- updated installation from 4.7
- "Install Tool / Clean up / Clear cached image sizes" executed
- FE cache cleared
Updated by Steffen Mächtel almost 12 years ago
Same problem here. Width and height is 0 on unprocessed files (use original file).
New rows in sys_file table has mime_type = '', width = 0 and height = 0. It looks like the indexing dont work.
Updated by Markus Klein almost 12 years ago
@Andreas Otto † Wolf: Could you please have a look what's going on here?
Updated by Stefan Galinski almost 12 years ago
- Category set to File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
Updated by Jens Schmietendorf almost 12 years ago
Same problem here.
Locally installed on a Mac with OS X 10.6.8 and MAMP all works fine.
After t3d-export, upload an -import on a shared hosting account at Mittwald
the image sizes of unprocessed files ar set to width=0 and height=0.
System info:
a fresh TYPO3 installation 6.0.4
Linux ovm2386 2.6.18-prep-pve-mittwald-el5 #5 SMP Mon Jun 22 13:23:53 CEST 2009 i686
PHP Version 5.3.15 CGI/FastCGI
This is very annoying!
Updated by Andreas Wolf almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Assignee set to Andreas Wolf
- Complexity set to medium
Could you please check in your sys_file table if the dimensions are correct there? There are width and height fields, if they contain the correct numbers, then the output is wrong, otherwise we have a problem in the indexer.
I'll try to reproduce this bug on my installation and find a fix for it - should not be too difficult.
Updated by Andreas Wolf almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback
I tried to reproduce it with an introduction package, but that did not work - the images are displayed correctly in the frontend.
If anybody could provide me with a dump (or account on your test installation), I can have a look at your installation. Just drop me an email to andreas.wolf (ät) typo3.org.
Updated by Benni Mack almost 12 years ago
cannot reproduce this issue either with 6.1-dev
Updated by Steffen Mächtel almost 12 years ago
- File sys_file.zip sys_file.zip added
I hava attached a dump of table "sys_file".
On new rows:
mime_type = '', width = 0 and height = 0
But "size" field is corret. Files are not indexed as image? Do i need an mime_type apache mod or something ?!
Updated by Steffen Mächtel almost 12 years ago
After some debugging i found the problem in class "TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriver" in method "getMimeTypeOfFile". Both functions "finfo_file" and "mime_content_type" are not available on our server. return is always false.
After hardcoded return "image/jpg" evrything works for new files. Width, height and type is set correctly in sys_file table.
protected function getMimeTypeOfFile($absoluteFilePath) { return 'image/jpg'; // DEBUG TEST if (function_exists('finfo_file')) { $fileInfo = new \finfo(); return $fileInfo->file($absoluteFilePath, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { return mime_content_type($absoluteFilePath); } return FALSE; }
Is there a altenative mime_type check method as fallback?!
Updated by Steffen Mächtel almost 12 years ago
As hotfix on our server, i put the attached function in AddtionalConfiguration.php (function is from php.net, switch on file extension, better then nothing ^^)
Updated by Markus Klein almost 12 years ago
Thank you Steffen for your investigations.
I guess a mime type detection should be somewhat available on every server.
I'd suggest to close this issue.
Updated by Freddy Kühne almost 12 years ago
- File sys_file.zip sys_file.zip added
Sorry for my late response; I was away for a few days...
I've attached our sys_file table; it's mime-type is mostly empty.
I have also tried the steps in #9 by Steffen; no changes...
Our mime type functions seems to work correctly.
echo function_exists('finfo_file');
echo function_exists('mime_content_type');
$fileInfo = new finfo();
echo $fileInfo->file('fileadmin/_migrated/pics/gold250.png', FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
--> Output is ok...
It might be, that during the update process the php-extension "php_fileinfo.dll" was not loaded. We currently can't say, which order exactly was used. I will try it with a fresh update...
Updated by Freddy Kühne almost 12 years ago
OK, I made two more updates with version 6.0.4 and the images are displayed correctly!
Seems that we included the php extension too late, or version 6.0.4 has fixed it.
Thank's for your time...
Updated by Andreas Wolf almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Resolved
Markus Klein wrote:
I guess a mime type detection should be somewhat available on every server.
I'd suggest to close this issue.
I think we should have a reports check for the availability of mimetype detections, and try to get as much done in a situation where no detection is available. It is unacceptable that file indexing and output are broken (or tend to break at the very least) if the mimetype cannot be detected.
Apart from that, I think this issue is solved, at least that's what I got from the latest replies. If not, please raise your hand and we'll open it again.
Updated by Markus Klein almost 12 years ago
I just checked the install tool.
fileinfo is already a required php extension and is checked by the install tool!
Updated by Cornel Widmer over 11 years ago
I believe this bug is NOT completly resolved. On multiple fresh TYPO3 6.1 installations it occurs constantly.
Wheater if we include an image over fluid (<f:image>) or over a typoscript object (lib.image = IMAGE) its always the same. I've checked the sys_file-table and there is no mime_type. But I think this is not the real cause. Because - when I enter the correct mime type by hand - the image does not appear.
We testet many ways to get the image working and this is what we have found out.
1) Delete entry in sys_file-table for the affected file
2) Hit refresh on frontend - the image appears
3) Take a look in the sys_file-table - entry created with: storage = 1, mime_type = EMPTY
4) Hit refresh on frontend - the image disappear
5) Take a look in the sys_file-table - a NEW entry created with: storage = 0, mime_type =s EMPTY
Any ideas for this strange behaviour?
Updated by Chris topher over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Needs Feedback
Updated by Mathias Bolt Lesniak over 11 years ago
I can confirm this is an issue with 6.1.1 from my end.
Apparently, the unprocessed image's dimensions are never fetched by FAL, and thus a width and height of zero is stored. This happens in TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer.php, lines 5191 and 5192.
The quick fix would be to edit cImage(), replacingthe line
$theValue = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($source) . '" width="' . $info[0] . '" height="' . $info[1] . '"' . $this->getBorderAttr(' border="' . intval($conf['border']) . '"') . $params . $altParam . (!empty($GLOBALS['TSFE']->xhtmlDoctype) ? ' /' : '') . '>';with:
if($info[0] == 0 || $info[1] == 0) { $theValue = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($source) . '" ' . $this->getBorderAttr(' border="' . intval($conf['border']) . '"') . $params . $altParam . (!empty($GLOBALS['TSFE']->xhtmlDoctype) ? ' /' : '') . '>'; } else { $theValue = '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($source) . '" width="' . $info[0] . '" height="' . $info[1] . '"' . $this->getBorderAttr(' border="' . intval($conf['border']) . '"') . $params . $altParam . (!empty($GLOBALS['TSFE']->xhtmlDoctype) ? ' /' : '') . '>'; }
That just removes the width and height attributes from the img tag. No long term solution.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 11 years ago
This is my personal opinion: why not removing width & height attributes at all?
Updated by Mathias Bolt Lesniak over 11 years ago
Riccardo De Contardi wrote:
This is my personal opinion: why not removing width & height attributes at all?
The image width and height may be important for the design. In cases where users have turned off image rendering in their browser, the width and height attributes will define a box of the size the image would have had. This was more important before, but it's still used a bit in email newsletters, for example. :-)
Updated by Sven Tappert over 11 years ago
- File LocalDriver.php LocalDriver.php added
I think I found a first solution (tested in version 6.1.1, but probably works for 6.0 as well).
Reason: image width, height and (mime)type are never set to the "File" object (when the image doesn't need to be modified). So incomplete file information is written to table "sys_file".
I'm not sure if it's the right place, but it works fine, when patching:
In method "extractFileInformation()" I added after line 457:
// get additional information for image files $imageInfo = getimagesize($filePath); if (is_array($imageInfo)) { $fileInformation['width'] = $imageInfo[0]; $fileInformation['height'] = $imageInfo[1]; if (!$fileInformation['mimetype'] && !empty($imageInfo['mime'])) { $fileInformation['mimetype'] = $imageInfo['mime']; } }
The complete file is attached.
IMPORTANT: you have to delete the entries in table "sys_file" to refresh the file information. Additional file information (like title & description) will get lost! You can try to identify affected entries with this SQL:
SELECT * FROM `sys_file` WHERE `type`=0 AND mime_type="" AND `width`=0 AND `height`=0;
p.s. the reason why the image shows up on the first time is, that at the first run the width and height values are casted to an empty string, while they are stored & read as integer (zero) to the database.
Updated by Markus Klein over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Accepted
Hi Sven,
would you mind pushing your suggested change to our review system?
You can find all the need information here: http://wiki.typo3.org/Category:Contribution_Walkthrough
Let me know, if you need any help.
Updated by Sven Tappert over 11 years ago
Markus Klein wrote:
would you mind pushing your suggested change to our review system?
It seems that the problem is solved in current 6.2-dev on another way (I have not found the code that makes the difference). So it's probably not useful to push my solution into the review system.
Since it's not clear when the official solution is backported to 6.1, one might use my patch in the meantime. It seems to work properly for the moment, but be careful - I have only tested it on a very small site.
Updated by Markus Klein over 11 years ago
@Sven: Can your tell us, where you found that code, so that we can at least set a relation to the according issue here?
Updated by Sven Tappert over 11 years ago
@Markus: Sorry, unfortunately I could not find the code. It seems to behave correct in current 6.2-dev and it's a different solution than mine..
Updated by Sven Tappert over 11 years ago
On my local system the error was caused by the missing PHP "fileinfo" module (disabled in php.ini).
(Check Typo3 Installer > "System environment" or phpinfo() for "fileinfo").
However, on the live system the "fileinfo" was installed from the beginning and the error did occur as well. But for now the images are rendered correctly, without any patches. Maybe there is another cause of failure? Or am I just confused?
@Markus: It all depends on \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriver::getMimeTypeOfFile(). If the mime type is not detected here, the file is not considered an image and width & height are not read in \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\IndexerService::indexFile()
Updated by Martin Holtz over 11 years ago
i have this issue in TYPO3 6.2 Beta right now.
20 = IMAGE 20.file = fileadmin/helloworld.gif
<img height="" width="" border="0" title="..." alt="" src="/fileadmin/helloworld.gif">
In IE8 the images will berendered with height="1" and width="1" - it seems as they just disappear.
With 6.2 Beta there is no width and height in sys_file anymore. But the data in sys_file_metadata are correct. Width and height are set.
Sidenote: TSFE:lastImageInfo|0 and TSFE:lastImageInfo|1 are empty at that point.
Updated by Markus Klein over 11 years ago
- Is Regression set to No
- How did you upload the image? Via FTP or via Backend Filelist?
- fileinfo module is available at your server?
Updated by Markus Klein over 11 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Andreas Wolf) - Target version set to next-patchlevel
Markus Klein wrote:
@Martin: I have a few questions:
- How did you upload the image? Via FTP or via Backend Filelist?
Ok that does not matter obviously....
Updated by Martin Holtz over 11 years ago
In that case, $processedFileObject does not have the property "width" so, $processedFileObject->getProperty('width') returns NULL.
Updated by Markus Klein over 11 years ago
It does not need to have this property, as it is tried to retrieve it from the original file and there from the meta data.
But the meta data for the original file is never populated.
Updated by Markus Klein over 11 years ago
- Complexity changed from medium to hard
- Is Regression changed from No to Yes
This is a regression to the meta data table split.
There's one case, where the meta data were NOT loaded, hence the dimension info was missing.
Updated by Gerrit Code Review over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Under Review
Patch set 1 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at https://review.typo3.org/25187
Updated by Gerrit Code Review over 11 years ago
Patch set 2 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at https://review.typo3.org/25187
Updated by Markus Klein over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 9f988d6818064737473677dc2619c9e679fd315f.
Updated by Heiko Kromm about 11 years ago
I thik it's not fixed.
I can reproduce this on 6.1.5, 6.1.6, 6.1.7
Updated by Heiko Kromm about 11 years ago
Truncating all sys_file... tables solves the problem for me.
Perhaps something went wrong while updating
Updated by Mathias Bolt Lesniak about 11 years ago
- File imagesize.php imagesize.php added
Heiko Kromm wrote:
Truncating all sys_file... tables solves the problem for me.
Perhaps something went wrong while updating
I am also rid of the problem in the newest versoin of 6.1.
It's important to note that truncating sys_file* tables won't work if you're upgrading a site and have gone through the migration into FAL. That would mess up the references. In these cases it's better to insert all the image widths and heights manually (and clear the cache). I ran into this issue with a site just recently, so I wrote a script that does it for you. (Attached here.) It runs from within typo3conf/.
- Mathias
Updated by Tobias Wollender about 11 years ago
The problem with no images sizes (width, height) in the database happened to me also. I did an upgrade from 4.5 to latest 6.2.master today. I fixed it like Mathias by manually updating the info in the db.
Updated by Marcus Schwemer about 11 years ago
Same here ... I am using plain TS
temp.rightBottom { 5 = IMAGE 5 { wrap = <div class="right_bottom_content"> | <br /><span class="right_bottom_image_text">Certified TYPO3 Integrator</span></div> file = fileadmin/config/de.schwemer.www/images/Cert_button_02_black_colored.png imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap { enable = 1 typolink { parameter = 135 title = Certified TYPO3 Integrator } }
HTML - Output looks like this:
<img src="fileadmin/config/de.schwemer.www/images/Cert_button_02_black_colored.png" width="0" height="0" alt="" border="0">
After adding the correct height and width to sys_file_metadata the image is shown.
Updated by Marcus Schwemer about 11 years ago
Another observation:
Both files exist twice in "sys_file". Once with zero width and height and once with the correct values.
Updated by Markus Klein about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Accepted
Updated by Markus Klein about 11 years ago
Reopened this as it obviously needs some way to fix this in 6.0 and 6.1.
Updated by Philipp Wrann about 11 years ago
Tobias Liegl wrote:
The problem with no images sizes (width, height) in the database happened to me also. I did an upgrade from 4.5 to latest 6.2.master today. I fixed it like Mathias by manually updating the info in the db.
Same here in 6.2
It happend with a conversion. When i upgraded to typo3 6.2 i didnt run the update tool but loaded the frontend, so one image was rendered, therefore a metadata entity was createt but the file was not resized before.
When creating the metadata using the update tool the problem does not seem to be present. When uploading a new file, relating it and displaying it (without resizing) everything is fine too.
So when creating the metadata on-the-fly the width/height properties are not set correct because the processedFile was not really processed (no resizing took place).
Updated by Bernd Sitzmann about 11 years ago
I've installed a clean test-system Typo3 6.1.7 within XAMPP and created a new database and a new site and found the same problem as described aboth.
For ex. pictures added in the content element "text with pictures" are not shown, when not resized.
In sys_file width and height is 0.
I removed the picture added it again, put a width to the picture settings which is different from the original size, the picture shows up.
Updated by Christian Reiter about 11 years ago
- Site was migrated from 4.5 to 6.1 with DAM->FAL
- Affected images were not the migrated DAM ones but new ones, it is not a problem with the migration
- In a tt_news record with 3 FAL references (using fal connector ext. for tt_news) 2 showed up normally (scaled as defined by Typoscript), 1 got width=0, occasionally this also happened with regular textpic elements
- expected width set by TS was 200
- Other images got scaled t fileadmin/_processed_, this one not
- I tried just downloading the affected image and uploading it again with overwrite (binary identical file) => still no correct rendering. However suddenly I got the native width of the image output (width=1200) instead of 200
- still no scaling to processed
- Then I examined the image for any possible corruption. It seemed OK, taken on a semi-professional DSLR and passwd through Camera Raw and Photoshop CS 5 on Macintosh. Lots of EXIF and embedded metainformation but none of it malformed as far as any graphics format interpreter said. It was 8-bit RGB. (some processing likes to fail on 16bit per channel or CMYK files...)
- Then I tried exporting the image through "Save for Web" both in Adobe PS and Irfanview
- Again upload with overwrite => now results were correct.
It seems the process of recognizing images is thus possibly very sensitive to perhaps unexpected meta-information in the JPEG?
However DSLR -> Camera Raw/Photoshop would seem like a regular and expectable workflow...
Updated by Markus Klein about 11 years ago
@Christian: Wow impressive testing. Thank you.
The exported for web images did not contain any EXIF?
Updated by Christian Reiter almost 11 years ago
The exported-for-web image had as the only EXIF tag "Filename - xxxxx.jpg"
The original had a full list, with 60 parameters
ImageWidth - 3568
ImageLength - 2368
BitsPerSample - 8 8 8
PhotometricInterpretation - 2
ImageDescription - SONY DSC
Make - SONY
Model - DSLR-A580
Orientation - Top left
SamplesPerPixel - 3
XResolution - 350.00
YResolution - 350.00
ResolutionUnit - Inch
Software - Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Macintosh
etc etc.
Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago
I now double checked that the Core is never reading the EXIF info directly (except indexed_search).
So suspect that there's either a PHP bug or a gm/im bug that fails reading the files properly.
Updated by Christian Reiter almost 11 years ago
I'm seeing this problem show up now also in TYPO3 6.2 migrations.
Width + height are missing in sys_file_metadata
, mime_type in sys_file
is OK.
Testing in the frontend shows some number of "missing" tt_content images in the client's browser
Source code shows they are there with width, height=0
If I note the affected page IDs and query the DB with
select r.pid as page_id,f.uid as file_id, r.uid as ref_id,f.identifier , f.size,f.mime_type,m.width,m.height from sys_file f, sys_file_metadata m , sys_file_reference r where r.uid_local=f.uid and m.file=f.uid and m.width=0 order by r.pid limit 0,999
then I can see that all the pages with these problems contain the relations to files that have empty width/height in sys_file_metadata
- Updating metadata in the backend and saving does not help
- Running the indexer from Scheduler again does not help
- However, renaming the file in the backend can solve it - width shows up
- So there is not some property of the image content that keeps the widht/height from being read. Otherwise renaming couldn't help
- It just seems that with a random/low probability the reading of dimensions fails.
- There is no special property I can identify, i.e. it is not only large images that are affected.
In the current project about 2% of images where affected out of ca 12.000 sys_file records.
since they are randomly distributed it would be a real waste of time to reupload all of them and you need to be website admin to do it, since you have to query the DB directly to get the list.
Maybe we could have some kind of task to check and correct this problem since I see the risk that it will hit many installations.
The task would simply check if any images stored in sys_file have missing width/height entries and try to reread their dimensions.
Maybe in install tool or as a scheduler task.
Updated by Frans Saris almost 11 years ago
Maybe we can add the storage local && filetype Image && width 0 && height 0 as extra reindex trigger to the indexer just as modification date already is.
Updated by Oliver Wand almost 11 years ago
Stumbled upon the exact same problem within a fresh 6.1.7 installation. Strangely enough the problem here only occurs when using S3 as media storage. Locally stored images are rendered correctly.
Updated by Marc Reiter almost 11 years ago
- File imagesize_6_2.php imagesize_6_2.php added
We've modified the updatescript imagesize.php for typo3 6.2 version.
The mime type is not updated it seem o.k. for me in my table.
Thanks a lot to Mathias for the initail work!!!!!!
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago
Question on this, which css_styled_content is used? And is the filemetadata extension installed.
Updated by Christian Reiter almost 11 years ago
Alexander Opitz wrote:
Question on this, which css_styled_content is used? And is the filemetadata extension installed.
I do have 'filemetadata' installed.
The 'Include static (from extensions):' shows plain "CSS Styled content" - value in the DB field is "EXT:css_styled_content/static/". None of the "old" versions (4.5 -6.1) are included
Updated by Frans Saris almost 11 years ago
If you have a remote storage you need to provide an metadata extractor to set the width and height values.
Currently core does this only for Local storage.
Updated by Ole no-lastname-given almost 11 years ago
Same here. After Updating core from 6.1.7 to 6.2.
Changing folder name (filename also) fixes it
Storage is local btw.
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago
Workaround for users with the width="0" height="0" issue after upgrading from previous system.
- Configuration of ImageMagig or GraphicsMagic is working
- filemetaextract is installed
1) Can you take a look into the "sys_lockedrecords" table. Are there any entries?
2) If yes, can you clean this table, clear FE cache and try to view the pages again. Are the images now correctly outputed?
3) If no, please clear the sys_file_metadata, again clear FE cache and view page again. Are the images now correctly outputed?
Please report back, which action helped or if the problem still exists.
HOWTO 1) and 2)
a) Go into install tool
b) Select last point "Clean up"
c) In "clear tables" there is an entry for the table "sys_lockedrecords" write down the numbers of rows.
d) Check the checkbox and press "clear selected tables"
e) Clear the FE cache
f) Look into FE
a) You need to have access to you SQL database (phpmyadmin/adminer etc)
b) Use "truncate sys_file_metadata" to clear the table. All added data to images will go away (title, description and so on).
c) Clear the FE cache normaly
d) Look into FE
Updated by Christian Reiter almost 11 years ago
1) Can you take a look into the "sys_lockedrecords" table. Are there any entries?
I checked the sys_lockedrecords table in an affected installation.
It had 47 entries going back all the way to 2006... but the field "record_table" for the locked records was never anything to do with FAL (no sys_file* anything).
Are locks to tt_content records relevant for the problem?
I can't really test the fix described above because I have already run a script to reset all the zero entries to their correct values.
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago
Are locks to tt_content records relevant for the problem?
Yes, that might be as the records should be updated to reference to the FAL and not to the file.
I can't really test the fix described above because I ...
Do you have the old database and directory structure, so you could try to migrate locally again?
Updated by Philipp Gampe almost 11 years ago
We should remove all locks before the migration. The installation should be in maintenance mode anyway.
Updated by Marek no-lastname-given almost 11 years ago
Thank you for your help and workarounds. The workarounds are ineffective.
In my case, the table "sys_lockedrecords" was empty. I think, on clearing the FE cache thinks everyone who works with Typo3. The table "sys_file_metadata" exists only since version 6.2. I’ve had the problem because I changed back from 6.2 to 6.1. Also the tip to use "Clean up" wasn‘t successful.
=> Number cached image sizes: 0
Caused the error is the missing "width" and "weight" values in the table "sys_file". The simplest solution is to write the data again in the "sys_file" table. You have to make an update only for rows where type = '2'.
Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago
I made a patch which checks the metadata for images if width/height is zero or not specified when creating/updating the metadata.
This throws an exception if such a situation arises, so we can finally have a stack trace at least.
I kindly ask anybody who can reproduce the problem to apply the patch.
Updated by Christian Reiter almost 11 years ago
Alexander Opitz wrote:
Do you have the old database and directory structure, so you could try to migrate locally again?
just tested it.
The old DB had 18 tt_content locks.
Local migration reproduced the same images with width=0 as previously - they happen right on the startpage.
There is absolutely no overlap.
i.e for the sys_file_metadata records with width=0 I checked in which tt_content elements they were referenced.
None of these content elements were contained in the locked IDs.
Also, not one of pages that contains locked tt_content elements has the same ID as any of the pages that contain content elements whose references lead to files that have zero-width metadata.
i.e. the locks and the width=0 problems are in completely different areas of the page tree.
Updated by Christian Reiter almost 11 years ago
I kindly ask anybody who can reproduce the problem to apply the patch.
I have a question about the first part of the code. After applying the patch, createMetaDataRecord looks like this:
public function createMetaDataRecord($fileUid, array $additionalFields = array()) { $emptyRecord = array( 'file' => (int)$fileUid, 'pid' => 0, 'crdate' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'], 'tstamp' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'], 'cruser_id' => TYPO3_MODE == 'BE' ? $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'] : 0 ); $emptyRecord = array_merge($emptyRecord, $additionalFields); $fileObject = ResourceFactory::getInstance()->getFileObject($fileUid); if (strpos($fileObject->getMimeType(), 'image') === 0 && (empty($updateRow['width']) || empty($updateRow['height']))) { throw new \ErrorException('Given metadata did not contain valid width/height data for file: ' . $fileObject->getIdentifier()); } $this->getDatabaseConnection()->exec_INSERTquery($this->tableName, $emptyRecord); $record = $emptyRecord; $record['uid'] = $this->getDatabaseConnection()->sql_insert_id(); $this->emitRecordCreated($record); return $record; }
I don't see where "$updateRow" comes from in this function.
It's not passed in. So $updateRow['width'] should always be empty/not set, and it should throw the exception for any image mimetype when the function is called?
Also I didn't find any example where createMetaDataRecord was called with $additionalFields being filled so it seems this function never inserts anything else than file, pid, crdate, tstamp, cruser_id ? Or am I missing something?
Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago
Oh yes, my patch was wrong. C&P mistake. Sorry for that.
Updated by Christian Reiter almost 11 years ago
OK I still have some questions here.
I'm trying to understand the code.
- We expect that width/height should be given when the code flow arrives at that point
- That is, when new sys_file_metadata entries are created on the fly we require width/height to be set (for image mimetype) in the new record data
I don't understand yet where the w/h data are supposed to come from at this point.
- Line 123/124 in the patch http://forge.typo3.org/attachments/26398/imageDimZeroChecker.patch seems to always throw an exception when MetaDataRepository::createMetaDataRecord is called and the file mime type starts with 'image'?
- How do we get there? - When
is called to get the metadata and none are found (SQL query) - thencreateMetaDataRecord
is called with the sys_file uid.- I find no other call to
- I find no other call to
can accept additionalFields array which could contain width/height but doesn't ever get that parameter...?- So it creates only an entry with file id, pid=0, crdate, tstamp, cruser_id
- At this point I see no way how the metadata entry can have any width or height info when first created...?
So the new sys_file_metadata entry has to wait for a call to MetaDataRepository::update
to get width and height.
When a sys_file entry with no metadata is encountered it will only get the default fields inserted to the corresponding sys_file_metadata recordy as listed above, even though it would be possible to add w/h at this point.
Looking for the update function call I find MetaDataRepository()->update
in sysext/core/Classes/Resource/Index/Indexer.php lines 124, 223 and sysext/core/Classes/Resource/Service/IndexerService.php line 157
IndexerService does
$rawFileLocation = $fileObject->getForLocalProcessing(FALSE);
$metaData = array();
list($metaData['width'], $metaData['height']) = getimagesize($rawFileLocation);
$this->getMetaDataRepository()->update($fileObject->getUid(), $metaData);
Indexer has the exact same code in 'extractRequiredMetaData' and the metadata extraction in 'runMetaDataExtraction'
Now if I had this kind of code in MetaDataRepository::createMetaDataRecord
starting from line 120
$emptyRecord = array_merge($emptyRecord, $additionalFields);
adding somehting like
$fileObject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceFactory::getInstance()->getFileObject($fileUid);
if (strpos($fileObject->getMimeType(), 'image') === 0 && ( empty($emptyRecord['width']) || empty($emptyRecord['height']) ) ) {
$rawFileLocation = $fileObject->getForLocalProcessing(FALSE);
list($emptyRecord['width'], $emptyRecord['height']) = getimagesize($rawFileLocation);
and then continue as is:
$this->getDatabaseConnection()->exec_INSERTquery($this->tableName, $emptyRecord);
then I would be doing this:
- Merge $additionalFields to $emptyRecord as before (which could contain info inlcuding width/height in some implementation)
- If it's an image and has no w/h in merged $emptyRecord - try to add that info with the same code as in IndexerService
- Save that record as the new default sys_file_metadata without throwing an exception when getimagesize returns 0/0 for w/h
- Reason: There are image mimetypes where w/h is correctly 0/0 (or in fact should maybe NULL/NULL) such as SVG which has no raster image dimension readable by getimagewidth.
- I have SVGs in my project and the sys_file/sys_file_metadata tables and don't want them to throw exceptions.
This would change the code to initialize default sys_file_metadata entries with w/h instead of waiting for the next indexing to happen.
Placement of the exception in createMetaDataRecord suggests that this behaviour is expected but I can't find how it works - admittedly I understand the TYPO3 core code only poorly.
But I think before it makes sense to go through the stack traces it is necessary to define the expected behavior.
Do we expect w/h to exist when createMetaDataRecord inserts a new sys_file_metadata entry or not?
- If yes - where are we getting w/h info from right now? Is the cause of the entire problem perhaps that on-the-fly metadata generation is supposed to do this but doesn't???
- If no - we don't need to throw any exception from createMetaDataRecord. We need to wait for indexing and see why that might fail to provide w/h
Updated by Markus Maier almost 11 years ago
Mathias Bolt Lesniak wrote:
It's important to note that truncating sys_file* tables won't work if you're upgrading a site and have gone through the migration into FAL. That would mess up the references. In these cases it's better to insert all the image widths and heights manually (and clear the cache). I ran into this issue with a site just recently, so I wrote a script that does it for you. (Attached here.) It runs from within typo3conf/.
- Mathias
Thanks a lot!
As far as I understand the code, the script will do dthe SQL-commands. For some reason, it does only output the SQL-statements in my TYPO3 6.1.7. In that case, it is neccessary to add " . ';'" before the final semikolon in line 38 so that line 38 reads in total:
$sql = 'UPDATE sys_file SET mime_type = \'' . $mime . '\', width = \'' . $width . '\', height = \'' . $height . '\' WHERE uid = ' . $row['uid'] . ';';
After this, just copy the output and paste it into your phpMyAdmin or whatever you use...
Updated by Mathias Bolt Lesniak almost 11 years ago
Markus Maier wrote:
Mathias Bolt Lesniak wrote:
It's important to note that truncating sys_file* tables won't work if you're upgrading a site and have gone through the migration into FAL. That would mess up the references. In these cases it's better to insert all the image widths and heights manually (and clear the cache). I ran into this issue with a site just recently, so I wrote a script that does it for you. (Attached here.) It runs from within typo3conf/.
- Mathias
Thanks a lot!
As far as I understand the code, the script will do dthe SQL-commands. For some reason, it does only output the SQL-statements in my TYPO3 6.1.7. In that case, it is neccessary to add " . ';'" before the final semikolon in line 38 so that line 38 reads in total:
[...]After this, just copy the output and paste it into your phpMyAdmin or whatever you use...
Hi Markus!
Running the file is all you need to do. The SQL output is just for debugging.
If you get no output, it's likely that the script has found no rows to change.
- Mathias
Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago
Should be fixed with https://review.typo3.org/29028
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago
- Assignee set to Alexander Opitz
Issue is dragged, hopefully I can post a patch tomorrow.
Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago
Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago
How this all happens¶
I'll describe below how this situation happens, and why the fix from #57495 solves this.
The basics¶
We have to distinguish between upgrades from < 6.x and upgrades from 6.0/6.1.
Database tables
The tables involved are sys_file and sys_file_metadata. These two have a 1:1 relation.
If the first case (<6.x) the database tables sys_file and sys_file_metadata are not present before the upgrade and are created automatically by the first upgrade wizard with the schema required for 6.2.
In the second case (6.0/6.1) the database table sys_file exists and the sys_file_metadata table will be created by the first wizard. The sys_file table has a different schema than required for 6.2, but all information is present.
The wizards involved
The core ships two wizards for the two upgrade paths:
- TceformsUpdateWizard: Takes care of converting old image database fields to FAL files and relations
- FileTableSplittingUpdate: Takes care of moving metadata from sys_file to the new table sys_file_metadata
The upgrade process (for upgrades from <6.x)¶
After the new tables have been created by the first wizard at some point in time the TceformsUpdateWizard is triggered. It detects that there's data to upgrade and starts with converting each old image field to FAL files. On creation of a FAL file the metadata of this file is extracted (like width/height) and is inserted into the sys_file_metadata table.
When TceformsUpdateWizard is finished, FileTableSplittingUpdate has its turn. It checks the integrity of the 1:1 relation. In case there's a mismatch, it will copy the metadata from sys_file over to sys_file_metadata. Keep in mind this wizard is meant for upgrades from 6.x where the sys_file table has these metadata fields, which are not present if the table was newly created during a 4.x upgrade.
So for a regular 4.x upgrade the FileTableSplittingUpdate has nothing to do as TceformsUpdateWizard already created everything properly. FileTableSplittingUpdate will not even show up in the Install Tool.
The bug¶
The bug is now that FAL fails to create the sys_file_metadata records in the TceformsUpdateWizard step. This leaves behind an empty sys_file_metadata table.
The subsequent FileTableSplittingUpdate then finds this situation and sees broken 1:1 integrity. It starts to "copy over" data from the metadata fields of sys_file, which are NOT present. Hence it inserts empty sys_file_metadata records for all sys_file records created by TceformsUpdateWizard.
And voila: we have width and height of 0 for all images (and all other files).
By simply fixing the bug #57495 in FAL, TceformsUpdateWizard properly creates all records for both tables and FileTableSplittingUpdate will not even show up.
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago
Why clearing sys_file_metadata do not work¶
As Markus already wrote the involved tables sys_file and sys_file_metadata have a 1:1 relation. If a new file is found while a backend user is in a filelist a sys_file and empty sys_file_metadata record is created followed by extracting meta data which updates the sys_file_metadata entry.
What happens if sys_file_metadata entry is missing?¶
If the metadata is requested an empty record is created in TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Index\MetaDataRepository::findByFileUid():87 which won't be updated, this update only happens if filelist finds a new file.
Running the Scheduler task: "File Abstraction Layer: Extract metadata in storage"¶
This won't help. The task tries to read the metadata, which leads to the creation of the empty sys_file_metadata record. Now he wants to update it, but there is no registeredExtractionService, so nothing will be updated and the empty sys_file_metadata record gets written a second time.
Why it helps sometimes to delete sys_file_metadata for first page request (till clearing FE cache)¶
The value for width/height while processing the files (if not in sys_file_metadata) is "NULL". This gets saved in the database as integer field with "0" so second time it is read as "0".
On the side of HTML generation "NULL" will be converted to an empty string while the integer value "0" will be converted to the zero char 0. The browser reads the first as "use size from image" and the second as "use 0 pixel for the image".
What is with the filemetadata Extension?¶
This extension only adds some fields to sys_file_metadata but it do not register any extraction service.
After fixing #57495, normaly you shouldn't have the situation where you have no sys_file_metadata record for a file and so no empty metadata records should be created.
But how normal is normaly? We should rethink this situation.
And by the way, if we found a new file, we call Indexer::createIndexEntry() but why not calling ExtractionService if one exists?
Updated by Markus Klein almost 11 years ago
@Alex: Would you mind moving these important questions to a new ticket? They are more visible there and we can close this one now, since the patch is merged.
Updated by Alexander Opitz almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Closed
The issue behind this problem is resolved with #57495 so I close this issue.
The open questions are handled in new issues:
#57545 How to get missing metadata extracted into sys_file_metadata
#57546 Calling ExtractionService on new files
If you have issues with width/height=0 after you redoing the migration with latest TYPO3 git master or TYPO3 6.2.1 then please open a new issue with a link to this one.
If you have yet issues with width/height=0 after you already upgraded your installation, an update of the source won't fix this problem, but I think you won't have such an installation running live yet (without fixing this issue with a PHP script which updates the Database).
Updated by Frans Saris almost 11 years ago
For those who run into this problem even after it is fixed now in core I have a easy fix for your local storages.
Run this update command on your DB for every storage:
UPDATE sys_file SET missing=1 WHERE storage=1;
And then run scheduler task "File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index" for every storage.
De scheduler task sees that the file isn't missing and then re-fetches the basic metadata (with+height)
Updated by Hupin Sébastien over 10 years ago
I've exactly the same problem and I've changed the default values for width and height for NULL into the sys_file_metadata table
and all my original image are displayed well
Hope it can help
Updated by Gernot Ploiner over 10 years ago
Same Problem here with TYPO3 6.2.5 after Update from 4.5
After deleting the record in table sys_file_metadata, is was new generated with width/height value '0' again.
Then i have deleted the file in filelist and uploaded the same file again. Now it works (with new uid in sys_file).
Updated by Frans Saris over 10 years ago
Did you try?
Frans Saris wrote:
For those who run into this problem even after it is fixed now in core I have a easy fix for your local storages.
Run this update command on your DB for every storage:
UPDATE sys_file SET missing=1 WHERE storage=1;
And then run scheduler task "File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index" for every storage.
De scheduler task sees that the file isn't missing and then re-fetches the basic metadata (with+height)
Updated by Christof Hagedorn about 10 years ago
missing width and height in sys_file_metadata still in typo3 6.2.3 when migrating raw image data:
setting sys_file.missing to 1 and run the scheduler task "File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index"
did not help.
the problem occured during a raw migration of data from a different cms system.
finally i solved the problem by setting width and height in sys_file_metadata with sql generated via bash:
identify -format "update sys_file_metadata set width='%w', height='%h' where file in (select uid from sys_file where identifier ='/images/logos/%f');\n" /my/path/to/images/logos/* > filesizes.sql
where /images/logos/ was the path to the migrated images.