Epic #65814
Make Indexed search extbase plugin shine
Added by Tymoteusz Motylewski almost 10 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
Estimated time:
(Total: 1.00 h)
Sprint Focus:
Remote Sprint
Make sure that the new Extbase plugin contains all functionality and no open issues anymore. So we can depreciate pi-based plugin later.
- Category set to Indexed Search
- Target version changed from 7.2 (Frontend) to 7.4 (Backend)
Bug #38767 still exists in the Extbase based version of indexed search
Duplicate 'AND' in IndexSearchRepository.php
Line 562 and 627 both add a 'AND' string so the final query contains 'AND AND' and gets invalid.
The pi-based version of indexed search does not contain 'AND' in function execFinalQuery (SearchFormController.php line 1108)
There is something wrong with the implode function in statement
$wordSel = '(' . implode(' OR ', $this->wSelClauses) . ') AND ';
in line 614 in IndexSearchRepository.php
Implode returns double ORs ('OR OR'). Therefore the query gets invalid.
There are only search results for the first item in defaultFreeIndexUidList.
Other items return "no result" even if there are some.
Thanks for reporting Gerhard. I have opened a new ticket for your findings. https://forge.typo3.org/issues/67843 Can you please comment there which TYPO3 version you're using?
In line 17 in partial Searchresult.html the viewhelper f:format.raw should be used instead of f:format.html.
Otherwise {row.path} gets wrapped by a "<p class="bodytext">
Same for {row.description} - otherwise <strong class="tx-indexedsearch-redMarkup"> gets escaped.
The labels in locallang.xml contain dots following a number. This prohibits the change of texts via TS.
The labels should be changed so that they contain underscores instead of dots (as it is in pi-based version).
An example how to change the texts should be included in the manual.
For exapmle:
pi-based: "opt_freeIndexUid_header_0"
Extbased: "indexingConfigurationHeader.0"
Btw: Translating "result.noResult" via TS is no problem
- Target version changed from 7.4 (Backend) to 7.5
- Target version changed from 7.5 to 7 LTS
- Target version changed from 7 LTS to Candidate for Major Version
- Status changed from New to Closed
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